Annotation |
critiqueAnnotation |
Gets the critique annotation object. |
delete() |
Deletes the annotation. |
id |
Gets the unique identifier, which is meant to be used for easier tracking of Annotation objects. |
state |
Gets the state of the annotation. |
AnnotationClickedEventArgs |
id |
Specifies the annotation ID for which the event was fired. |
AnnotationCollection |
getFirst() |
Gets the first annotation in this collection. |
getFirstOrNullObject() |
Gets the first annotation in this collection. |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
AnnotationHoveredEventArgs |
id |
Specifies the annotation ID for which the event was fired. |
AnnotationInsertedEventArgs |
ids |
Specifies the annotation IDs for which the event was fired. |
AnnotationRemovedEventArgs |
ids |
Specifies the annotation IDs for which the event was fired. |
AnnotationSet |
critiques |
Critiques. |
CheckboxContentControl |
isChecked |
Specifies the current state of the checkbox. |
ContentControl |
checkboxContentControl |
Gets the data of the content control when its type is 'CheckBox'. |
Critique |
colorScheme |
Specifies the color scheme of the critique. |
length |
Specifies the length of the critique inside paragraph. |
start |
Specifies the start index of the critique inside paragraph. |
CritiqueAnnotation |
accept() |
Accepts the critique. |
critique |
Gets the critique that was passed when the annotation was inserted. |
range |
Gets the range of text that is annotated. |
reject() |
Rejects the critique. |
Document |
getAnnotationById(id: string) |
Gets the annotation by ID. |
onAnnotationClicked |
Occurs when the user clicks an annotation (or selects it using Alt+Down). |
onAnnotationHovered |
Occurs when the user hovers the cursor over an annotation. |
onAnnotationInserted |
Occurs when the user adds one or more annotations. |
onAnnotationRemoved |
Occurs when the user deletes one or more annotations. |
search(searchText: string, searchOptions?: Word.SearchOptions | { ignorePunct?: boolean ignoreSpace?: boolean matchCase?: boolean matchPrefix?: boolean matchSuffix?: boolean matchWholeWord?: boolean matchWildcards?: boolean }) |
Performs a search with the specified search options on the scope of the whole document. |
GetTextOptions |
includeHiddenText |
Specifies a value that indicates whether to include hidden text in the result of the GetText method. |
includeTextMarkedAsDeleted |
Specifies a value that indicates whether to include text marked as deleted in the result of the GetText method. |
InsertFileOptions |
importDifferentOddEvenPages |
Represents whether to import the Different Odd and Even Pages setting for the header and footer from the source document. |
Paragraph |
getAnnotations() |
Gets annotations set on this Paragraph object. |
getText(options?: Word.GetTextOptions | { IncludeHiddenText?: boolean IncludeTextMarkedAsDeleted?: boolean }) |
Returns the text of the paragraph. |
insertAnnotations(annotations: Word.AnnotationSet) |
Inserts annotations on this Paragraph object. |