Word JavaScript API desktop-only requirement set 1.1
The WordApiDesktop
requirement set is a special requirement set that includes features that are only available for Word on Windows, on Mac, and on iPad. APIs in this requirement set are considered to be production APIs for the Word application on Windows, on Mac, and on iPad. They follow Microsoft 365 developer support policies. WordApiDesktop
APIs are considered to be "preview" APIs for other platforms (web) and may not be supported by any of those platforms.
When APIs in the WordApiDesktop
requirement set are supported across all platforms, they'll be added to the next released requirement set (WordApi 1.[NEXT]
). Once that new requirement set is public, those APIs will also continue to be tagged in this WordApiDesktop
requirement set. To learn more about platform-specific requirements in general, see Understanding platform-specific requirement sets.
WordApiDesktop 1.1
is a desktop-only requirement set. It's a superset of the WordApi 1.8.
Because the WordApiDesktop 1.1
APIs are only supported by Word on Windows, on Mac, and on iPad, your add-in should check if the requirement set is supported before calling these APIs. This avoids any attempt to use desktop-only APIs on an unsupported platform.
if (Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported("WordApiDesktop", "1.1")) {
// Any API exclusive to this WordApiDesktop requirement set.
Once the API is in a cross-platform requirement set, you should remove or edit the isSetSupported
check. This will enable your add-in's feature on other platforms. Be sure to test the feature on those platforms when making this change.
Your manifest cannot specify WordApiDesktop 1.1
as an activation requirement. It isn't a valid value to use in the Set element.
The following table lists the Word JavaScript APIs currently included in the WordApiDesktop 1.1
requirement set. For a complete list of all Word JavaScript APIs (including WordApiDesktop 1.1
APIs and previously released APIs), see all Word JavaScript APIs.
Class | Fields | Description |
Border | color | Specifies the color for the border. |
location | Gets the location of the border. | |
type | Specifies the border type for the border. | |
visible | Specifies whether the border is visible. | |
width | Specifies the width for the border. | |
BorderCollection | getByLocation(borderLocation: Word.BorderLocation.top | Word.BorderLocation.left | Word.BorderLocation.bottom | Word.BorderLocation.right | Word.BorderLocation.insideHorizontal | Word.BorderLocation.insideVertical | "Top" | "Left" | "Bottom" | "Right" | "InsideHorizontal" | "InsideVertical") | Gets the border that has the specified location. |
getFirst() | Gets the first border in this collection. | |
getFirstOrNullObject() | Gets the first border in this collection. | |
getItem(index: number) | Gets a Border object by its index in the collection. | |
insideBorderColor | Specifies the 24-bit color of the inside borders. | |
insideBorderType | Specifies the border type of the inside borders. | |
insideBorderWidth | Specifies the width of the inside borders. | |
items | Gets the loaded child items in this collection. | |
outsideBorderColor | Specifies the 24-bit color of the outside borders. | |
outsideBorderType | Specifies the border type of the outside borders. | |
outsideBorderWidth | Specifies the width of the outside borders. | |
Document | compare(filePath: string, documentCompareOptions?: Word.DocumentCompareOptions) | Displays revision marks that indicate where the specified document differs from another document. |
importStylesFromJson(stylesJson: string, importedStylesConflictBehavior?: Word.ImportedStylesConflictBehavior) | Import styles from a JSON-formatted string. | |
DocumentCompareOptions | addToRecentFiles | True adds the document to the list of recently used files on the File menu. |
authorName | The reviewer name associated with the differences generated by the comparison. | |
compareTarget | The target document for the comparison. | |
detectFormatChanges | True (default) for the comparison to include detection of format changes. | |
ignoreAllComparisonWarnings | True compares the documents without notifying a user of problems. | |
removeDateAndTime | True removes date and time stamp information from tracked changes in the returned Document object. | |
removePersonalInformation | True removes all user information from comments, revisions, and the properties dialog box in the returned Document object. | |
Field | showCodes | Specifies whether the field codes are displayed for the specified field. |
InlinePicture | imageFormat | Gets the format of the inline image. |
List | getLevelFont(level: number) | Gets the font of the bullet, number, or picture at the specified level in the list. |
getLevelPicture(level: number) | Gets the Base64-encoded string representation of the picture at the specified level in the list. | |
resetLevelFont(level: number, resetFontName?: boolean) | Resets the font of the bullet, number, or picture at the specified level in the list. | |
setLevelPicture(level: number, base64EncodedImage?: string) | Sets the picture at the specified level in the list. | |
ListLevel | alignment | Specifies the horizontal alignment of the list level. |
font | Gets a Font object that represents the character formatting of the specified object. | |
linkedStyle | Specifies the name of the style that's linked to the specified list level object. | |
numberFormat | Specifies the number format for the specified list level. | |
numberPosition | Specifies the position (in points) of the number or bullet for the specified list level object. | |
numberStyle | Specifies the number style for the list level object. | |
resetOnHigher | Specifies the list level that must appear before the specified list level restarts numbering at 1. | |
startAt | Specifies the starting number for the specified list level object. | |
tabPosition | Specifies the tab position for the specified list level object. | |
textPosition | Specifies the position (in points) for the second line of wrapping text for the specified list level object. | |
trailingCharacter | Specifies the character inserted after the number for the specified list level. | |
ListLevelCollection | getFirst() | Gets the first list level in this collection. |
getFirstOrNullObject() | Gets the first list level in this collection. | |
items | Gets the loaded child items in this collection. | |
ListTemplate | listLevels | Gets a ListLevels collection that represents all the levels for the specified ListTemplate. |
outlineNumbered | Specifies whether the specified ListTemplate object is outline numbered. | |
Shading | foregroundPatternColor | Specifies the color for the foreground of the object. |
texture | Specifies the shading texture of the object. | |
Style | borders | Specifies a BorderCollection object that represents all the borders for the specified style. |
listTemplate | Gets a ListTemplate object that represents the list formatting for the specified Style object. | |
TableRow | insertContentControl() | Inserts a content control on the row. |
TableStyle | alignment | Specifies the table's alignment against the page margin. |
allowBreakAcrossPage | Specifies whether lines in tables formatted with a specified style break across pages. |
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