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Time window join

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

It's often useful to join between two large datasets on some high-cardinality key, such as an operation ID or a session ID, and further limit the right-hand-side ($right) records that need to match up with each left-hand-side ($left) record by adding a restriction on the "time-distance" between datetime columns on the left and on the right.

The above operation differs from the usual join operation, since for the equi-join part of matching the high-cardinality key between the left and right datasets, the system can also apply a distance function and use it to considerably speed up the join.


A distance function doesn't behave like equality (that is, when both dist(x,y) and dist(y,z) are true it doesn't follow that dist(x,z) is also true.) This is sometimes referred to as a "diagonal join".

Example to identify event sequences without time window

To identify event sequences within a relatively small time window, this example uses a table T with the following schema:

  • SessionId: A column of type string with correlation IDs.
  • EventType: A column of type string that identifies the event type of the record.
  • Timestamp: A column of type datetime indicates when the event described by the record happened.
SessionId EventType Timestamp
0 A 2017-10-01T00:00:00Z
0 B 2017-10-01T00:01:00Z
1 B 2017-10-01T00:02:00Z
1 A 2017-10-01T00:03:00Z
3 A 2017-10-01T00:04:00Z
3 B 2017-10-01T00:10:00Z

The following query creates the dataset and then identifies all the session IDs in which event type A was followed by an event type B within a 1min time window.

let T = datatable(SessionId:string, EventType:string, Timestamp:datetime)
    '0', 'A', datetime(2017-10-01 00:00:00),
    '0', 'B', datetime(2017-10-01 00:01:00),
    '1', 'B', datetime(2017-10-01 00:02:00),
    '1', 'A', datetime(2017-10-01 00:03:00),
    '3', 'A', datetime(2017-10-01 00:04:00),
    '3', 'B', datetime(2017-10-01 00:10:00),
| where EventType == 'A'
| project SessionId, Start=Timestamp
| join kind=inner
    | where EventType == 'B'
    | project SessionId, End=Timestamp
    ) on SessionId
| where (End - Start) between (0min .. 1min)
| project SessionId, Start, End 


SessionId Start End
0 2017-10-01 00:00:00.0000000 2017-10-01 00:01:00.0000000

Example optimized with time window

To optimize this query, we can rewrite it to account for the time window. THe time window is expressed as a join key. Rewrite the query so that the datetime values are "discretized" into buckets whose size is half the size of the time window. Use equi-join to compare the bucket IDs.

The query finds pairs of events within the same session (SessionId) where an 'A' event is followed by a 'B' event within 1 minute. It projects the session ID, the start time of the 'A' event, and the end time of the 'B' event.

let T = datatable(SessionId:string, EventType:string, Timestamp:datetime)
    '0', 'A', datetime(2017-10-01 00:00:00),
    '0', 'B', datetime(2017-10-01 00:01:00),
    '1', 'B', datetime(2017-10-01 00:02:00),
    '1', 'A', datetime(2017-10-01 00:03:00),
    '3', 'A', datetime(2017-10-01 00:04:00),
    '3', 'B', datetime(2017-10-01 00:10:00),
let lookupWindow = 1min;
let lookupBin = lookupWindow / 2.0;
| where EventType == 'A'
| project SessionId, Start=Timestamp, TimeKey = bin(Timestamp, lookupBin)
| join kind=inner
    | where EventType == 'B'
    | project SessionId, End=Timestamp,
              TimeKey = range(bin(Timestamp-lookupWindow, lookupBin),
                              bin(Timestamp, lookupBin),
    | mv-expand TimeKey to typeof(datetime)
    ) on SessionId, TimeKey 
| where (End - Start) between (0min .. lookupWindow)
| project SessionId, Start, End 


SessionId Start End
0 2017-10-01 00:00:00.0000000 2017-10-01 00:01:00.0000000

5 million data query

The next query emulates an extensive dataset of 5M records and approximately 1M Session IDs and runs the query with the time window technique.

let T = range x from 1 to 5000000 step 1
| extend SessionId = rand(1000000), EventType = rand(3), Time=datetime(2017-01-01)+(x * 10ms)
| extend EventType = case(EventType < 1, "A",
                          EventType < 2, "B",
let lookupWindow = 1min;
let lookupBin = lookupWindow / 2.0;
| where EventType == 'A'
| project SessionId, Start=Time, TimeKey = bin(Time, lookupBin)
| join kind=inner
    | where EventType == 'B'
    | project SessionId, End=Time, 
              TimeKey = range(bin(Time-lookupWindow, lookupBin), 
                              bin(Time, lookupBin),
    | mv-expand TimeKey to typeof(datetime)
    ) on SessionId, TimeKey 
| where (End - Start) between (0min .. lookupWindow)
| project SessionId, Start, End 
| count 

