These Microsoft Extensions Participation Policies apply to all publishers and Extensions in the Extensions List. These policies are in addition to the terms and conditions set forth in the Microsoft Windows Admin Center Extensions Publisher Agreement (“Agreement”). Publishers must comply at all times with the policies described and/or referenced in this document in order to participate in the Agreement. To maintain the quality of the Windows Admin Center user experience, if a publisher fails to meet all terms and conditions at any given time, Microsoft may, among other things, remove the publisher’s Extension from the Extensions List. We may update this document from time to time. Terms used by not defined in these policies shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Agreement.

SECTION 1: Base Criteria

a) Extensions must be designed to work with and extend the capabilities of Microsoft Products and Services, or as otherwise permitted by Microsoft.

b) Publishers will not develop or enable others to develop any Extension which circumvents any technical restrictions implemented in Microsoft Products and Services.

c) Publishers will design and test the download, installation, uninstallation of their Extensions to ensure that such processes do not disable any features or adversely affect the functionality of the Microsoft Products and Services.

d) Publishers may not initiate any notification that will be displayed in any Microsoft Products and Services, unless the notification (i) is clearly marked as coming from them (and not from Microsoft) and (ii) otherwise complies with the Agreement, including this document. Further, Publishers may not disable or otherwise change (or enable users to disable or otherwise change) any settings in any Microsoft Products and Services that Microsoft manages (or enables users to manage) in such Microsoft Products and Services.

e) Microsoft is committed to accessibility and if a publisher wants its Extension(s) to meet the needs of a diverse customer base, Microsoft recommends taking advantage of the following resources for building accessible experiences:

SECTION 2: Publishing Offers

Publishers of Extensions must adhere to Windows Admin Center technical requirements for onboarding as defined in the Extensions Publication Guidelines.

SECTION 3: Offer Listings

a) Publishers must include detailed extension information in their extension listing pages, which must be accurate and kept up to date. Such information may include, as applicable:

  • Extension description
    • Minimum Extension description
      • Extension feature information
      • Value proposition
  • Recommended Extension description
    • Detailed Extension feature information
    • Detailed value proposition
    • Features: 3-5 factual statements about the Extension
    • Benefits: 3-5 results produced by Extension features
  • Link to customer support details
  • Publishers must provide customer support for fully available Extensions in the Extensions List.
  • Extension resources
    • Resources include, but are not limited to, demo videos, screenshots, whitepapers, case studies, testimonials, and detailed technical documentation on how to use the Extension with Microsoft Products and Services.
  • Terms of Use
  • Privacy Policy

b) Publishers may not promote the availability of their other Extensions designed for competing cloud or on-premises platforms in any of the following: (i) in Windows Admin Center; (ii) in Microsoft Products and Services; or (iii) in their Extensions, including in the download or installation experience. Microsoft reserves the right to edit and revise offer listing page details for quality assurance. Microsoft will inform Publishers prior to publication of their Extension listing pages in the Extensions List if Microsoft makes any changes to any listing page details.

SECTION 4: Extension Suspension and Removal

a) Microsoft reserves the right to suspend or remove an Extension from the Extensions List for any reason. Reasons Microsoft may remove an Extension include, but are not limited to:

  • The Extension has not been provisioned by any customers for six or more months;
  • The Extension consistently receives negative customer feedback;
  • The Extension and/or Extension Contents displays excessive advertising or marketing;
  • If made available a as a pre-release, beta, or preview version, the Extension is not conspicuously marked “Preview” in the user interface and Extension Contents;
  • The Publisher has failed to comply with terms and conditions in the Agreement, the Extensions Publication Guidelines, or this document.

b) Publishers wishing to remove an Extension should email