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API Schema


Devices registered and managed by Microsoft Managed Desktop.


Method Return Type Description
Get device Device Get a single device object
List devices Device collection List device collection


Property Type Description
name String Name of the device.
intuneId String Intune identifier for the device.
manufacturer String Manufacturer of the device.
model String Model of the device.
serialNumber String Serial number of the device.
globalDeviceId String Unique identifier of the device.
enrolledIntoIntuneDateTimeUtc DateTimeOffset Enrollment time of the device.
tenantId Guid The tenant’s Microsoft Entra ID.
assignedUser String User assigned to the device.
userUpn String Username of the assigned user.
userEmail String Email address of the assigned user.
complianceState String Compliance state of the device.
osVersion String OS version.
primaryUpdateRing String Primary update ring of the device. Possible values are: Test, First, Fast, Broad.
lastIntuneSyncDateTimeUtc DateTimeOffset The date and time that the device last completed a successful sync with Intune.
ageInMonths Single Age of device since enrollment.
planType String
persona String Device profile. Possible values are: Standard, SensitiveData, PowerUser, Kiosk, Starter.
aadDeviceId Guid The device’s Microsoft Entra ID.
managementAgent String Management channel of the device.
operatingSystemEdition String Operating system edition.
profileAssignmentStatus String Status of profile assignment.
groups group collection List of groups device is assigned to.
configurations configuration collection List of configuration policies assigned to device.