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Create a document from a modern template in SharePoint

You can use a published modern template to quickly create similar documents without having to start from scratch. To create a document using a published template, follow these steps:

  1. From a SharePoint document library, select New, and then select the modern template you want to use.

    Screenshot of document library showing the modern template choices on the New menu.

  2. The template opens in the template studio.

  3. On the Create a document from a template panel, enter the information, and then select Create document.

    Screenshot of document library showing the Create a document from a template panel.

    To help reduce time and effort involved in filling values for fields, Syntex provides:

    • Suggestions to help you easily pick values when selecting values from a list.
    • Autofill field values if able to uniquely identify a record for fields associated with the same list.