How to use Fiddler trace logs for MFA in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Entra ID


This article introduces the Fiddler trace log for the following multifactor authentication (MFA) scenarios:

  • Working MFA scenarios
  • When the phone is out of coverage or the phone is not picked
  • When the fraud alert is triggered to block the account in the cloud
  • For a blocked account
  • When MFA is used for managed accounts

More information

If a user account is federated, the user is redirected to the Service Token Server (STS) for authentication and to, and the SAML token is issued by the STS. If the user is managed, authenticates the user by way of the user's password.

MFA starts after the user's password has been verified by Microsoft Entra ID or STS. The SANeeded=1 cookie is set if the user is enabled for MFA authentication in Microsoft 365 or Azure directory. The communication between the client and after the user password authentication resembles the following:


HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Set-Cookie: SANeeded=1;;secure= ;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1

Scenario 1: Working MFA scenarios

The SANeeded=1 cookie is set after password authentication. Network traffic is then redirected to the endpoint:, and available authentication methods are requested.

Screenshot of available authentication methods.

MFA starts with BeginAuth, and then the phone call is triggered on the back end to the phone service provider.

Screenshot shows that M F A starts with the BeginAuth method.

After MFA authorization has begun, the client starts to query the same endpoint for the EndAuth method every 10 seconds to check whether authentication has completed. Until the call has been picked and verified, the Resultvalue is returned as AuthenticationPending.

Screenshot shows that ResultValue is set to AuthenticationPending.

When the phone has been picked and verified, the answer for the next query for EndAuth will be a ResultValue of Success. Additionally, the user has completed Mulitifactor authentication. Also the Set-Cookie : SANeeded=xxxxxxx cookie is set in the response, which is given to the endpoint : login.srf to complete authentication.

Screenshot shows login.srf to complete authentication.

Scenario 2: When the phone is out of coverage or the phone is not picked

When the phone isn't picked and verified within 60 seconds after the call is made, the ResultValue is set as UserVoiceAuthFailedPhoneUnreachable. At the next query for the EndAuth method, UserVoiceAuthFailedPhoneUnreachable is returned, as seen in Fiddler.

Screenshot shows that ResultValue is set to UserVoiceAuthFailedPhoneUnreachable.

Scenario 3: When the fraud alert is triggered to block the account in the cloud

When the phone hasn't been picked and a fraud alert is posted within 60 seconds after the call is made, the ResultValue is set as AuthenticationMethodFailed. At the next query for the EndAuth method, an AuthenticationMethodFailed response is returned, as seen in Fiddler.

Screenshot shows that ResultValue is set to AuthenticationMethodFailed.

Scenario 4: For a blocked account

If the user is blocked, ResultValue is set as UserIsBlocked. At the first query for the EndAuth method, UserIsBlocked is returned, as seen in Fiddler.

Screenshot shows that ResultValue is set to UserIsBlocked.

Solution: In an Azure MFA scenario with an Azure subscription, you can unblock by first logging on to Then, select Directory > Users and Manage Multi factor Authentication > Service Settings. At the end of the page, select Go to portal. Now, select Block/Unblock Users to find the list of blocked users.

If MFA is enabled through Microsoft 365, open a support case with Microsoft to unblock it.

Scenario 5: MFA for managed accounts

In this situation, authentication remains the same, but the endpoints are and instead of as for the federated accounts.