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interface ICoreWebView2HttpHeadersCollectionIterator

interface ICoreWebView2HttpHeadersCollectionIterator
  : public IUnknown

Iterator for a collection of HTTP headers.


Members Descriptions
get_HasCurrentHeader TRUE when the iterator has not run out of headers.
GetCurrentHeader Get the name and value of the current HTTP header of the iterator.
MoveNext Move the iterator to the next HTTP header in the collection.

For more information, navigate to ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders and ICoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders.

std::wstring RequestHeadersToJsonString(ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders* requestHeaders)
    wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2HttpHeadersCollectionIterator> iterator;
    BOOL hasCurrent = FALSE;
    std::wstring result = L"[";

    while (SUCCEEDED(iterator->get_HasCurrentHeader(&hasCurrent)) && hasCurrent)
        wil::unique_cotaskmem_string name;
        wil::unique_cotaskmem_string value;

        CHECK_FAILURE(iterator->GetCurrentHeader(&name, &value));
        result += L"{\"name\": " + EncodeQuote(name.get())
            + L", \"value\": " + EncodeQuote(value.get()) + L"}";

        BOOL hasNext = FALSE;
        if (hasNext)
            result += L", ";

    return result + L"]";

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 0.9.430
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 0.9.488



TRUE when the iterator has not run out of headers.

public HRESULT get_HasCurrentHeader(BOOL * hasCurrent)

If the collection over which the iterator is iterating is empty or if the iterator has gone past the end of the collection then this is FALSE.


Get the name and value of the current HTTP header of the iterator.

public HRESULT GetCurrentHeader(LPWSTR * name, LPWSTR * value)

If the previous MoveNext operation set the hasNext parameter to FALSE, this method fails.

The caller must free the returned strings with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.


Move the iterator to the next HTTP header in the collection.

public HRESULT MoveNext(BOOL * hasNext)


If no more HTTP headers exist, the hasNext parameter is set to FALSE. After this occurs the GetCurrentHeader method fails.