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interface ICoreWebView2PermissionSettingCollectionView

interface ICoreWebView2PermissionSettingCollectionView
  : public IUnknown

Read-only collection of PermissionSettings (origin, kind, and state).


Members Descriptions
get_Count The number of ICoreWebView2PermissionSettings in the collection.
GetValueAtIndex Gets the ICoreWebView2PermissionSetting at the specified index.

Used to list the nondefault permission settings on the profile that are persisted across sessions.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 1.0.1661.34
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.1671



The number of ICoreWebView2PermissionSettings in the collection.

public HRESULT get_Count(UINT32 * value)


Gets the ICoreWebView2PermissionSetting at the specified index.

public HRESULT GetValueAtIndex(UINT32 index, ICoreWebView2PermissionSetting ** permissionSetting)