interface ICoreWebView2PointerInfo
This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.
interface ICoreWebView2PointerInfo
: public IUnknown
This mostly represents a combined win32 POINTER_INFO/POINTER_TOUCH_INFO/POINTER_PEN_INFO object.
Members | Descriptions |
get_ButtonChangeKind | Get the ButtonChangeKind of the pointer event. |
get_DisplayRect | Get the DisplayRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h). |
get_FrameId | Get the FrameID of the pointer event. |
get_HimetricLocation | Get the HimetricLocation of the pointer event. |
get_HimetricLocationRaw | Get the HimetricLocationRaw of the pointer event. |
get_HistoryCount | Get the HistoryCount of the pointer event. |
get_InputData | Get the InputData of the pointer event. |
get_KeyStates | Get the KeyStates of the pointer event. |
get_PenFlags | Get the PenFlags of the pointer event. |
get_PenMask | Get the PenMask of the pointer event. |
get_PenPressure | Get the PenPressure of the pointer event. |
get_PenRotation | Get the PenRotation of the pointer event. |
get_PenTiltX | Get the PenTiltX of the pointer event. |
get_PenTiltY | Get the PenTiltY of the pointer event. |
get_PerformanceCount | Get the PerformanceCount of the pointer event. |
get_PixelLocation | Get the PixelLocation of the pointer event. |
get_PixelLocationRaw | Get the PixelLocationRaw of the pointer event. |
get_PointerDeviceRect | Get the PointerDeviceRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h). |
get_PointerFlags | Get the PointerFlags of the pointer event. |
get_PointerId | Get the PointerId of the pointer event. |
get_PointerKind | Get the PointerKind of the pointer event. |
get_Time | Get the Time of the pointer event. |
get_TouchContact | Get the TouchContact of the pointer event. |
get_TouchContactRaw | Get the TouchContactRaw of the pointer event. |
get_TouchFlags | Get the TouchFlags of the pointer event. |
get_TouchMask | Get the TouchMask of the pointer event. |
get_TouchOrientation | Get the TouchOrientation of the pointer event. |
get_TouchPressure | Get the TouchPressure of the pointer event. |
put_ButtonChangeKind | Set the ButtonChangeKind of the pointer event. |
put_DisplayRect | Set the DisplayRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h). |
put_FrameId | Set the FrameID of the pointer event. |
put_HimetricLocation | Set the HimetricLocation of the pointer event. |
put_HimetricLocationRaw | Set the HimetricLocationRaw of the pointer event. |
put_HistoryCount | Set the HistoryCount of the pointer event. |
put_InputData | Set the InputData of the pointer event. |
put_KeyStates | Set the KeyStates of the pointer event. |
put_PenFlags | Set the PenFlags of the pointer event. |
put_PenMask | Set the PenMask of the pointer event. |
put_PenPressure | Set the PenPressure of the pointer event. |
put_PenRotation | Set the PenRotation of the pointer event. |
put_PenTiltX | Set the PenTiltX of the pointer event. |
put_PenTiltY | Set the PenTiltY of the pointer event. |
put_PerformanceCount | Set the PerformanceCount of the pointer event. |
put_PixelLocation | Set the PixelLocation of the pointer event. |
put_PixelLocationRaw | Set the PixelLocationRaw of the pointer event. |
put_PointerDeviceRect | Set the PointerDeviceRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h). |
put_PointerFlags | Set the PointerFlags of the pointer event. |
put_PointerId | Set the PointerId of the pointer event. |
put_PointerKind | Set the PointerKind of the pointer event. |
put_Time | Set the Time of the pointer event. |
put_TouchContact | Set the TouchContact of the pointer event. |
put_TouchContactRaw | Set the TouchContactRaw of the pointer event. |
put_TouchFlags | Set the TouchFlags of the pointer event. |
put_TouchMask | Set the TouchMask of the pointer event. |
put_TouchOrientation | Set the TouchOrientation of the pointer event. |
put_TouchPressure | Set the TouchPressure of the pointer event. |
It takes fields from all three and excludes some win32 specific data types like HWND and HANDLE. Note, sourceDevice is taken out but we expect the PointerDeviceRect and DisplayRect to cover the existing use cases of sourceDevice. Another big difference is that any of the point or rect locations are expected to be in WebView physical coordinates. That is, coordinates relative to the WebView and no DPI scaling applied.
Product | Introduced |
WebView2 Win32 | 1.0.774.44 |
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease | 1.0.790 |
Get the ButtonChangeKind of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_ButtonChangeKind(INT32 * buttonChangeKind)
This corresponds to the ButtonChangeKind property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_KIND enum in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the DisplayRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
public HRESULT get_DisplayRect(RECT * displayRect)
Get the FrameID of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_FrameId(UINT32 * frameId)
This corresponds to the frameId property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the HimetricLocation of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_HimetricLocation(POINT * himetricLocation)
This corresponds to the ptHimetricLocation property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the HimetricLocationRaw of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_HimetricLocationRaw(POINT * himetricLocationRaw)
This corresponds to the ptHimetricLocationRaw property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the HistoryCount of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_HistoryCount(UINT32 * historyCount)
This corresponds to the historyCount property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the InputData of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_InputData(INT32 * inputData)
This corresponds to the InputData property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the KeyStates of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_KeyStates(DWORD * keyStates)
This corresponds to the dwKeyStates property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenFlags of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PenFlags(UINT32 * penFLags)
This corresponds to the penFlags property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct. The values are defined by the PEN_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenMask of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PenMask(UINT32 * penMask)
This corresponds to the penMask property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct. The values are defined by the PEN_MASK constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenPressure of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PenPressure(UINT32 * penPressure)
This corresponds to the pressure property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenRotation of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PenRotation(UINT32 * penRotation)
This corresponds to the rotation property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenTiltX of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PenTiltX(INT32 * penTiltX)
This corresponds to the tiltX property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenTiltY of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PenTiltY(INT32 * penTiltY)
This corresponds to the tiltY property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PerformanceCount of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PerformanceCount(UINT64 * performanceCount)
This corresponds to the PerformanceCount property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PixelLocation of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PixelLocation(POINT * pixelLocation)
This corresponds to the ptPixelLocation property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PixelLocationRaw of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PixelLocationRaw(POINT * pixelLocationRaw)
This corresponds to the ptPixelLocationRaw property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PointerDeviceRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
public HRESULT get_PointerDeviceRect(RECT * pointerDeviceRect)
Get the PointerFlags of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PointerFlags(UINT32 * pointerFlags)
This corresponds to the pointerFlags property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PointerId of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PointerId(UINT32 * pointerId)
This corresponds to the pointerId property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PointerKind of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_PointerKind(DWORD * pointerKind)
This corresponds to the pointerKind property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_INPUT_KIND enum in the Windows SDK (winuser.h). Supports PT_PEN and PT_TOUCH.
Get the Time of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_Time(DWORD * time)
This corresponds to the dwTime property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchContact of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_TouchContact(RECT * touchContact)
This corresponds to the rcContact property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchContactRaw of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_TouchContactRaw(RECT * touchContactRaw)
This corresponds to the rcContactRaw property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchFlags of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_TouchFlags(UINT32 * touchFlags)
This corresponds to the touchFlags property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct. The values are defined by the TOUCH_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchMask of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_TouchMask(UINT32 * touchMask)
This corresponds to the touchMask property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct. The values are defined by the TOUCH_MASK constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchOrientation of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_TouchOrientation(UINT32 * touchOrientation)
This corresponds to the orientation property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchPressure of the pointer event.
public HRESULT get_TouchPressure(UINT32 * touchPressure)
This corresponds to the pressure property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the ButtonChangeKind of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_ButtonChangeKind(INT32 buttonChangeKind)
This corresponds to the ButtonChangeKind property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_KIND enum in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the DisplayRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
public HRESULT put_DisplayRect(RECT displayRect)
Set the FrameID of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_FrameId(UINT32 frameId)
This corresponds to the frameId property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the HimetricLocation of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_HimetricLocation(POINT himetricLocation)
This corresponds to the ptHimetricLocation property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the HimetricLocationRaw of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_HimetricLocationRaw(POINT himetricLocationRaw)
This corresponds to the ptHimetricLocationRaw property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the HistoryCount of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_HistoryCount(UINT32 historyCount)
This corresponds to the historyCount property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the InputData of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_InputData(INT32 inputData)
This corresponds to the InputData property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the KeyStates of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_KeyStates(DWORD keyStates)
This corresponds to the dwKeyStates property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenFlags of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PenFlags(UINT32 penFLags)
This corresponds to the penFlags property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct. The values are defined by the PEN_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenMask of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PenMask(UINT32 penMask)
This corresponds to the penMask property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct. The values are defined by the PEN_MASK constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenPressure of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PenPressure(UINT32 penPressure)
This corresponds to the pressure property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenRotation of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PenRotation(UINT32 penRotation)
This corresponds to the rotation property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenTiltX of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PenTiltX(INT32 penTiltX)
This corresponds to the tiltX property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenTiltY of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PenTiltY(INT32 penTiltY)
This corresponds to the tiltY property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PerformanceCount of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PerformanceCount(UINT64 performanceCount)
This corresponds to the PerformanceCount property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PixelLocation of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PixelLocation(POINT pixelLocation)
This corresponds to the ptPixelLocation property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PixelLocationRaw of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PixelLocationRaw(POINT pixelLocationRaw)
This corresponds to the ptPixelLocationRaw property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PointerDeviceRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
public HRESULT put_PointerDeviceRect(RECT pointerDeviceRect)
Set the PointerFlags of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PointerFlags(UINT32 pointerFlags)
This corresponds to the pointerFlags property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PointerId of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PointerId(UINT32 pointerId)
This corresponds to the pointerId property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PointerKind of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_PointerKind(DWORD pointerKind)
This corresponds to the pointerKind property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_INPUT_KIND enum in the Windows SDK (winuser.h). Supports PT_PEN and PT_TOUCH.
Set the Time of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_Time(DWORD time)
This corresponds to the dwTime property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchContact of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_TouchContact(RECT touchContact)
This corresponds to the rcContact property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchContactRaw of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_TouchContactRaw(RECT touchContactRaw)
This corresponds to the rcContactRaw property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchFlags of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_TouchFlags(UINT32 touchFlags)
This corresponds to the touchFlags property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct. The values are defined by the TOUCH_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchMask of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_TouchMask(UINT32 touchMask)
This corresponds to the touchMask property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct. The values are defined by the TOUCH_MASK constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchOrientation of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_TouchOrientation(UINT32 touchOrientation)
This corresponds to the orientation property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchPressure of the pointer event.
public HRESULT put_TouchPressure(UINT32 touchPressure)
This corresponds to the pressure property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).