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interface ICoreWebView2ProcessInfoCollection


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.

interface ICoreWebView2ProcessInfoCollection
  : public IUnknown

A list containing process id and corresponding process type.


Members Descriptions
get_Count The number of process contained in the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfoCollection.
GetValueAtIndex Gets the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfo located in the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfoCollection at the given index.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 N/A
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.1133



The number of process contained in the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfoCollection.

public HRESULT get_Count(UINT * count)


Gets the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfo located in the ICoreWebView2ProcessInfoCollection at the given index.

public HRESULT GetValueAtIndex(UINT32 index, ICoreWebView2ProcessInfo ** processInfo)