interface ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseView
This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.
interface ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseView
: public IUnknown
View of the HTTP representation for a web resource response.
Members | Descriptions |
get_Headers | The HTTP response headers as received. |
get_ReasonPhrase | The HTTP response reason phrase. |
get_StatusCode | The HTTP response status code. |
GetContent | Get the response content asynchronously. |
The properties of this object are not mutable. This response view is used with the WebResourceResponseReceived event.
Product | Introduced |
WebView2 Win32 | 1.0.705.50 |
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease | 1.0.721 |
The HTTP response headers as received.
public HRESULT get_Headers(ICoreWebView2HttpResponseHeaders ** headers)
The HTTP response reason phrase.
public HRESULT get_ReasonPhrase(LPWSTR * reasonPhrase)
The HTTP response status code.
public HRESULT get_StatusCode(int * statusCode)
Get the response content asynchronously.
public HRESULT GetContent(ICoreWebView2WebResourceResponseViewGetContentCompletedHandler * handler)
The handler will receive the response content stream. If this method is being called again before a first call has completed, the handler will be invoked at the same time the handlers from prior calls are invoked. If this method is being called after a first call has completed, the handler will be invoked immediately.
[this, webResourceRequest,
webResourceResponse](HRESULT result, IStream* content) {
std::wstring message =
L"{ \"kind\": \"event\", \"name\": "
L"\"WebResourceResponseReceived\", \"args\": {"
L"\"request\": " +
RequestToJsonString(webResourceRequest.get()) +
L", "
L"\"response\": " +
ResponseToJsonString(webResourceResponse.get(), content) +
message +=
message += L"}";
return S_OK;