You can create a deep link to a Teams chat, such as to start a new chat, go to a channel conversation, and access a file within a channel.
Deep link to start a new chat
You can navigate to or create private chats between users with the Microsoft Teams JavaScript client library (TeamsJS) by specifying the set of participants. If a chat doesn’t exist with the specified participants, the user is navigated to an empty new chat.
When a user creates a new chat using a deep link, Teams creates the new chat in the draft state until the user sends the first message. You can also provide the name of the chat if it doesn’t already exist, along with text that should be inserted into the user's compose box. Consider this a shortcut for the user taking the manual action of navigating to or creating the chat and then compose the message.
As a use-case example, if you’re retrieving a Microsoft 365 user profile information from your bot as a card, this deep link can allow the app user to easily chat with that person.
You can configure deep links to start a new chat in one of the following two ways:
While use of the typed APIs is recommended, you can alternatively use the following format for a manually created deep link that you can use in a bot, connector, or message extension card:
To use this deep link with your bot, specify the deep link as the URL target in your card's button or tap action through the openUrl action type.
The query parameters are:
users: A comma-separated list of user IDs representing the participants of the chat. The user that performs the action is always included as a participant. The User ID parameter supports the Microsoft Entra UserPrincipalName, such as an email address only.
topicName: An optional parameter for chat's display name if a chat has three or more users. If this field isn't specified, the chat's display name is based on the names of the participants.
message: An optional field for the message text that you want to insert into the current app user's compose box while the chat is in the draft state.
Configure deep link to start a chat using TeamsJS library
The following example demonstrates how to open a chat message to a group of participants with an initial message. You can target the deep link to an existing or a new chat. If a chat already exists, the deep link opens in that chat.
if(chat.isSupported()) {
const chatPromise = chat.openGroupChat({ users: ["",""], topic: "Prep For Meeting Tomorrow", message: "Hi folks kicking off chat about our meeting tomorrow"});
then((result) => {/*Successful operation*/}).
catch((error) => {/*Unsuccessful operation*/});
else { /* handle case where capability isn't supported */ }
Deep link to navigate to a chat
To navigate to a specific chat conversation in Teams, use the following deep link format:
chatId: Chat ID of the conversation. The supported format for chatId is 19: xxx. For example, 19:253f5895-9a62-4362-8d38-43f0205c702c_f1b94dcf-0aa3-4989-bcdf-ef4a5ed00f86@unq.gbl.spaces.
Apps can read a chat ID through app context in Teams, incoming payload to bot, or through Microsoft Graph APIs.
For one-on-one chats with bot, the incoming payload to bot contains the conversation ID in a:xxx format.
messageId: Unique message ID of each message in a chat. When a bot posts a message in chat, the messageId is returned. You can also get the messageId through Microsoft Graph APIs. For example, 1563480968434.
You can start a conversation with a bot using a prepopulated message through a deep link. Use the bot ID prefixed with 28: in place of an email address. The format of the deep link is:
The deep link provided only loads the message into the chat text box of the bot, and doesn't send the message automatically. To send the message, you must either select the Send button or select Enter.
Deep link to navigate to a team
To navigate to a particular team, use the following deep link format:
channelId: Channel ID of the conversation (URL encoded). For example, 19%3A9be3de4e70874c71a608dee9ba803ed3%40thread.tacv2.
channelName: Name of the team's channel (URL encoded). For example, My%20example%20channel.
groupId: Group ID of the team. For example, 72602e12-78ac-474c-99d6-f619710353a9.
tenantId: Tenant ID, such as aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee.
ngc: Indicates a next-generation channel. For private channels needs to be set to true.
allowXTenantAccess: Indicates a channel that can be accessed across tenant boundaries. For shared channels needs to be set to true.
Generate deep link to a file in a channel
Use the following deep link format can be used in a bot, connector, or message extension card for configuring a deep link to connect to a file in a channel:
fileId: Unique file ID from Sharepoint Online, also known as sourcedoc or sharepointIds.listItemUniqueId from Sharepoint Online driveItem API response. For example, 1FA202A5-3762-4F10-B550-C04F81F6ACBD.
tenantId: Tenant ID, such as 0d9b645f-597b-41f0-a2a3-ef103fbd91bb.
fileType: Supported file type, such as .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, and .pdf.
objectUrl: Object URL of the file. The format is https://{tenantName}{TeamName}/SharedDocuments/{ChannelName}/FileName.ext. For example,
baseUrl: Base URL of the file. The format is https://{tenantName}{TeamName}. For example,
serviceName: Name of the service, app ID. For example, teams.
threadId: The threadID is the team ID of the team where the file is stored. It's optional and can't be set for files stored in a user's OneDrive folder. For example, 19:<>.
groupId: Group ID of the file. For example, ae063b79-5315-4ddb-ba70-27328ba6c31e.
You can see threadId and groupId in the URL from the channel.
In the new Teams client, the deep link format using objectURL for a file in a channel isn't supported, use objectUrl in the deep link format.
The following example format illustrates the deep link to files:
This sample shows how to use a deep link from a bot chat to a tab consuming the Subentity ID. It also shows deep links for: - Navigating to an app - Navigating to a chat - Open a profile dialog - Open a scheduling dialog
The source for this content can be found on GitHub, where you can also create and review issues and pull requests. For more information, see our contributor guide.
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Demonstrate skills to plan, deploy, configure, and manage Microsoft Teams to focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in a Microsoft 365 environment.
Learn how to create deep links to an application and navigate using them in your Microsoft Teams apps and tabs and generate deep link to share content to meetings.
Learn how to configure Teams deep links to an app, chat, teams and channels, and workflows. Learn the types of deep links and protocol handlers in deep links.
Learn how to execute deep links in your Microsoft Teams personal tab, shared tab, chat message, and bot, handle deep links, and consume a deep link from a tab.
This Teams sample application highlights deeplinks for various functionalities, such as initiating calls, chats, and navigating within tabs and apps. It features a comprehensive setup guide and supports interactions with both bots and tabs for enhanced user engagement.