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Build a basic AI chatbot

The AI chatbot template showcases a bot app, similar to ChatGPT, that responds to user questions and allows users to interact with the AI bot in Microsoft Teams. Teams AI library is used to build the app template, providing the capabilities to create AI-based Teams applications.


Install For using...
Visual Studio Code JavaScript, TypeScript, or Python build environments. Use the latest version.
Teams Toolkit Microsoft Visual Studio Code extension that creates a project scaffolding for your app. Use the latest version.
Node.js Back-end JavaScript runtime environment. For more information, see Node.js version compatibility table for project type.
Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams to collaborate with everyone you work with through apps for chat, meetings, and calls all in one place.
Azure OpenAI First create your OpenAI API key to use OpenAI's Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT). If you want to host your app or access resources in Azure, you must create an Azure OpenAI service.

Create a new basic AI chatbot project

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.

  2. Select the Teams Toolkit icon in the Visual Studio Code Activity Bar

  3. Select Create a New App.

    Screenshot shows the location of the Create New Project link in the Teams Toolkit sidebar.

  4. Select Custom Engine Agent.

    Screenshot shows the option to select custom engine agent as the new project to create.

  5. Select Basic AI Chatbot.

    Screenshot shows the option to select app features using AI library list.

  6. Select JavaScript.

    Screenshot shows the option to select the programming language.

  7. Select Azure OpenAI.

    Screenshot shows the option to select the LLM.

  8. Enter your OpenAI or Azure OpenAI credentials based on the service you select. Select Enter.

    Screenshot shows the location to enter Azure open API key.

  9. Select Default folder.

    Screenshot shows the location app folder to save.

    To change the default location, follow these steps:

    1. Select Browse.
    2. Select the location for the project workspace.
    3. Select Select Folder.
  10. Enter an application name for your app and then select the Enter key.

    Screenshot shows the option to enter the suitable name.

    You've successfully created your AI chat bot project workspace.

    Screenshot shows the ai chatbot created and readme file is available.

  11. Under EXPLORER, go to the env > .env.testtool.user file.

  12. Update the following details:

    • AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT=<your-endpoint>
    • AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=<your-deployment>

    Screenshot shows the details updated in the env file.

  13. To debug your app, select the F5 key or from the left pane, select Run and Debug (Ctrl+Shift+D) and then select Debug in Test Tool (Preview) from the dropdown list.

    Screenshot shows the selection of debugging option from the list of options.

Test Tool opens the bot in a webpage.

Screenshot shows the bot response with basic AI chatbot.

Take a tour of the bot app source code

Folder Contents
.vscode Visual Studio Code files for debugging.
appPackage Templates for the Teams application manifest.
env Environment files.
infra Templates for provisioning Azure resources.
src The source code for the application.
teamsapp.yml This is the main Teams Toolkit project file. The project file defines two primary things: Properties and configuration Stage definitions.
teamsapp.local.yml This overrides teamsapp.yml with actions that enable local execution and debugging.
teamsapp.testtool.yml This overrides teamsapp.yml with actions that enable local execution and debugging in Teams App Test Tool.
src/index.js Sets up the bot app server.
src/adapter.js Sets up the bot adapter.
src/config.js Defines the environment variables.
src/prompts/chat/skprompt.txt Defines the prompt.
src/prompts/chat/config.json Configures the prompt.
src/app/app.js Handles business logics for the basic AI chatbot.

How Teams AI chatbot works

Teams AI library provides a flow to build an intelligent chatbot with AI capabilities as follows:

Screenshot shows the typical flow of AI chatbot.

  • TurnContext: The turn context object provides information about the activity, such as the sender and receiver, the channel, and other data needed to process the activity.

  • TurnState: The turn state object, similar to a cookie, stores data for the current turn. This object, as the turn context, is carried through the entire application logic, including the activity handlers and the AI system.

  • Authentication: If user authentication is configured, Teams AI attempts to sign the user in. If the user is already signed in, the SDK retrieves the access token and continues. Otherwise, the SDK initiates the sign-in flow and ends the current turn.

  • Activity Handlers: Teams AI library executes a set of registered activity handlers, enabling you to handle several types of activities. The activity handler system is the primary method for implementing bot or message extension app logic. It's a set of methods and configurations that allow you to register callbacks, known as route handlers, which trigger based on the incoming activity. The incoming activity can be in the form of a message, message reaction, or virtually any interaction within the Teams app.

  • AI system: The AI system in Teams AI library is responsible for moderating input and output, generating plans, and executing them. It can be used as a standalone or routed to by the app object. The important concepts are as follows:

    1. Prompt manager: Prompts play a crucial role in communicating and directing the behavior of Large Language Models (LLMs) AI.
    2. Planner: The planner receives the user's request, which is in the form of a prompt or prompt template, and returns a plan to fulfill it. This is achieved by using AI to mix and match atomic functions, known as actions, that are registered to the AI system. These actions are recombined into a series of steps that complete a goal.
    3. Actions: An action is an atomic function that is registered to the AI system.
  • AfterTurn handler: After the activity handler or AI system is executed, Teams AI library executes an afterTurn handler. The handler allows you to perform an action after the turn. If it returns as true, the SDK saves the turn state to storage.

  • Respond to user: Teams AI library saves the state and the bot can send the responses to the user.

Customize basic AI chatbot

You can add customizations on top of the basic app to build complex scenarios as follows:

  1. Customize prompt: Prompts play a crucial role in communicating and directing the behavior of LLMs AI. They serve as inputs or queries that users can provide to elicit specific responses from a model. Here's a prompt that asks the LLM for name suggestions:


    Give me 3 name suggestions for my pet golden retriever.


    Some possible name suggestions for a pet golden retriever are:
    - Bailey
    - Sunny
    - Cooper

    To use project generated with Teams Toolkit, you can author the prompts in the src/prompts/chat/skprompt.txt file. The prompts written in this file are inserted into the prompt used to instruct the LLM. Teams AI library defines the following syntax that you can use in the prompt text:

    1. {{ $[scope].property }}: Teams AI library renders the value of a property that is scoped and defined within the turn state. It defines three such scopes: temp, user, and conversation. If no scope is specified, by default, the library uses the temp scope.

    2. The {{$[scope].property}} is used in the following way:

      1. In the src/app/turnState.ts file, define your temp state, user state, conversation state, and app turn state. If the turnState.ts file doesn't exist in your project, create it under src/app.

        import { DefaultConversationState, DefaultTempState, DefaultUserState, TurnState } from "@microsoft/teams-ai";
        export interface TempState extends DefaultTempState {  }
        export interface UserState extends DefaultUserState {  }
        export interface ConversationState extends DefaultConversationState {
            tasks: Record<string, Task>;
        export interface Task {
            title: string;
            description: string;
        export type ApplicationTurnState = TurnState<ConversationState, UserState, TempState>;
      2. In the src/app/app.ts file, use app turn state to initialize the app.

        const storage = new MemoryStorage();
        const app = new Application<ApplicationTurnState>({
          ai: {
      3. In the src/prompts/chat/skprompt.txt file, use the scoped state property such as {{$conversation.tasks}}.

  2. Customize user input: Teams AI library allows you to augment the prompt sent to LLM by including the user inputs. When including user inputs, you need to specify it in a prompt configuration file by setting completion.include_input to true in src/prompts/chat/config.json. You can also optionally configure the maximum number of user input tokens in src/prompts/chat/config.json by changing completion.max_input_tokens. This is useful when you want to limit the length of user inputs to avoid exceeding the token limit.

  3. Customize conversation history: The SDK automatically manages the conversation history, and you can customize as follows:

    • In src/prompts/chat/config.json, configure completion.include_history. If true, the history is inserted into the prompt to let LLM aware of the conversation context.

    • Maximum number of history messages. Configure max_history_messages when initializing PromptManager.

      const prompts = new PromptManager({
      promptsFolder: path.join(__dirname, "../prompts"),
      max_history_messages: 3,
    • Maximum number of history tokens. Configure max_conversation_history_tokens when initializing PromptManager.

      const prompts = new PromptManager({
          promptsFolder: path.join(__dirname, "../prompts"),
          max_conversation_history_tokens: 1000,
  4. Customize model type: You can use a specific model for a prompt. In the src/prompts/chat/config.json file, configure completion.model. If no model is configured for the prompt, the default model configured in OpenAIModel is used.

    The models that support the SDK as follows:

    Model Supported
    gpt-3.5-turbo Supported
    gpt-3.5-turbo-16k Supported
    gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct Not supported from 1.1.0
    gpt-4 Supported
    gpt-4-32k Supported
    gpt-4-vision Supported
    gpt-4-turbo Supported
    DALL·E Not supported
    Whisper Not supported
    TTS Not supported
  5. Customize model parameters:

    In the src/prompts/chat/config.json file, configure the model parameters under completion as follows:

    • Max_tokens: The maximum number of tokens to generate.
    • Temperature: The models temperature as a number between 0 and 2.
    • Top_p: The models top_p as a number between 0 and 2.
    • Presence_penalty: The models presence_penalty as a number between 0 and 1.
    • Frequency_penalty: The models frequency_penalty as a number between 0 and 1.
    • Stop_sequences: Array of stop sequences that when hit stops generation.

See also

Teams AI library