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Delta Feed Support

Applies To:# OData WebApi v7 for aspnet webapi supported Green circle with a checkmark inside it. OData AspNet WebApi V7# OData Webapi for Webapi supported Green circular checkmark icon to indicate a success. OData AspNet WebApi V6

Serialization Support for Delta Feed

This sample will introduce how to create a Delta Feed which is serialized into a Delta Response in Web API OData V4.

Similar to EdmEntityObjectCollection, Web API OData V5.6 now has an EdmChangedObjectCollection to represent a collection of objects which can be a part of the Delta Feed. A delta response can contain new/changed entities, deleted entities, new links or deleted links.

WebAPI OData V4 now has EdmDeltaEntityObject, EdmDeltaDeletedEntityObject, EdmDeltaLink and EdmDeltaDeletedLink respectively for the objects that can be a part of the Delta response. All the above objects implement the IEdmChangedObject interface, while the EdmChangedObjectCollection is a collection of IEdmChangedObject.

For example, if user defines a model as:

public class Customer
  public int Id { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public virtual IList<Order> Orders { get; set; }
public class Order
  public int Id { get; set; }
  public string ShippingAddress { get; set; }
private static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
  ODataModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
  var customers = builder.EntitySet<Customer>("Customers");
  var orders = builder.EntitySet<Order>("Orders");
  return builder.GetEdmModel();

The EdmChangedObjectCollection collection for Customer entity will be created as follows:

EdmChangedObjectCollection changedCollection = new EdmChangedObjectCollection(CustomerType); //IEdmEntityType of Customer

Changed or Modified objects are added as EdmDeltaEntityObjects:

EdmDeltaEntityObject Customer = new EdmDeltaEntityObject(CustomerType); 
Customer.Id = 123;
Customer.Name = "Added Customer";

Deleted objects are added as EdmDeltaDeletedObjects:

EdmDeltaDeletedEntityObject Customer = new EdmDeltaDeletedEntityObject(CustomerType);
Customer.Id = 123;
Customer.Reason = DeltaDeletedEntryReason.Deleted;

Delta Link is added corresponding to a $expand in the initial request, these are added as EdmDeltaLinks:

EdmDeltaLink CustomerOrderLink = new EdmDeltaLink(CustomerType);
CustomerOrderLink.Relationship = "Orders";
CustomerOrderLink.Source = new Uri(ServiceBaseUri, "Customers(123)");	
CustomerOrderLink.Target = new Uri(ServiceBaseUri, "Orders(10)");

Deleted Links is added for each deleted link that corresponds to a $expand path in the initial request, these are added as EdmDeltaDeletedLinks:

EdmDeltaDeletedLink CustomerOrderDeletedLink = new EdmDeltaDeletedLink(CustomerType);
CustomerOrderDeletedLink.Relationship = "Orders";
CustomerOrderDeletedLink.Source = new Uri(ServiceBaseUri, "Customers(123)");
CustomerOrderDeletedLink.Target = new Uri(ServiceBaseUri, "Orders(10)");

Sample for Delta Feed

Let's create a controller to return a Delta Feed:

public class CustomersController : ODataController
  public IHttpActionResult Get()
    EdmChangedObjectCollection changedCollection = new EdmChangedObjectCollection(CustomerType);
    EdmDeltaEntityObject Customer = new EdmDeltaEntityObject(CustomerType); 
    Customer.Id = 123;
    Customer.Name = "Added Customer";
    EdmDeltaDeletedEntityObject Customer = new EdmDeltaDeletedEntityObject(CustomerType);
    Customer.Id = 124;
    Customer.Reason = DeltaDeletedEntryReason.Deleted;

    EdmDeltaLink CustomerOrderLink = new EdmDeltaLink(CustomerType);
    CustomerOrderLink.Relationship = "Orders";
    CustomerOrderLink.Source = new Uri(ServiceBaseUri, "Customers(123)");
    CustomerOrderLink.Target = new Uri(ServiceBaseUri, "Orders(10)");
    EdmDeltaDeletedLink CustomerOrderDeletedLink = new EdmDeltaDeletedLink(CustomerType);
    CustomerOrderDeletedLink.Relationship = "Orders";
    CustomerOrderDeletedLink.Source = new Uri(ServiceBaseUri, "Customers(123)");
    CustomerOrderDeletedLink.Target = new Uri(ServiceBaseUri, "Orders(11)");
    return Ok(changedCollection);

Now, user can issue a GET request as:


The corresponding payload will has the following contents:

  "value": [
      "Name":"Added Customer"
      "Id": 124