EdgeBrowserControl object (Access)
Represents a web browser control on a form based on Edge's WebView2.
Use the ControlSource property to specify the webpage to load in the control.
- AfterUpdate
- BeforeNavigate
- BeforeUpdate
- Change
- Click
- DblClick
- Dirty
- DocumentComplete
- Enter
- Exit
- GotFocus
- KeyDown
- KeyPress
- KeyUp
- LostFocus
- MouseDown
- MouseMove
- MouseUp
- NavigateError
- Updated
- Application
- BorderColor
- BorderShade
- BorderStyle
- BorderThemeColorIndex
- BorderTint
- BorderWidth
- BottomPadding
- Controls
- ControlSource
- ControlTipText
- ControlType
- DisplayWhen
- Enabled
- EventProcPrefix
- GridlineColor
- GridlineShade
- GridlineStyleBottom
- GridlineStyleLeft
- GridlineStyleRight
- GridlineStyleTop
- GridlineThemeColorIndex
- GridlineTint
- GridlineWidthBottom
- GridlineWidthLeft
- GridlineWidthRight
- GridlineWidthTop
- Height
- HelpContextId
- HorizontalAnchor
- Hyperlink
- InSelection
- Layout
- LayoutID
- Left
- LeftPadding
- LocationURL
- Name
- OldValue
- OnBeforeNavigate
- OnDocumentComplete
- OnKeyDown
- OnKeyPress
- OnKeyUp
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseMove
- OnMouseUp
- OnNavigateError
- OnUpdated
- Parent
- Progress
- Properties
- ReadyState
- RightPadding
- ScrollBars
- ScrollLeft
- ScrollTop
- Section
- SpecialEffect
- StatusBarText
- TabIndex
- TabStop
- Tag
- Top
- TopPadding
- Transform
- Value
- VerticalAnchor
- Visible
- Width
- TrustedDomains
See also
Support and feedback
Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.