During Morning Coffee

Morning coffee visual

It's 7:00 AM, and even before opening your computer, you can get a lot done on your mobile device while drinking your morning coffee. In this section, you can learn how to kick-start your day with Office 365 apps on your phone.

Office 365 makes it possible to work from any of your devices, wherever you are. Discover the benefits of using your mobile device to read the latest emails that have come in overnight, check tasks, reschedule a meeting, review your Power BI dashboards, correct a presentation, or send a message.


Checklist for your morning coffee

Check mail from your mobile device

Before you unlock your phone, you can see unread emails that were sent to you overnight from colleagues in different time zones. You can also see that you have two meetings scheduled for 9:00 AM - you have to do something about that, but first things first: check email to see if anything important has come in.

Different mobile platforms have different notification capabilities. Set up notifications within your mobile devices notification settings.

Get up to date on projects in Microsoft Teams

​Microsoft Teams is a chat-based workspace perfect for managing projects, customer engagements, or any type of teamwork that is made more productive by fast conversations. Teams and their channels can be easily scanned for new activity. Scan the latest activity from your teams by navigating to the Activity Feed in your Microsoft Teams mobile application. There you can see notifications from channels you follow or where people have @mentioned you to get your feedback.

Manage calendar items on your mobile device

Scrolling through email, you see that there's a reference to one of the meetings scheduled for 9:00 AM. It says that your manager needs an update on the status of a project you're working on in that meeting, and that the current slide deck in the document library of your SharePoint Online team site is lacking the latest figures. This is clearly the priority, so you go to the Calendar in Outlook to reschedule the other meeting that was at 9:00 AM and send updates to the attendees.

Check tasks for the day

While in the Calendar app, you can also check the tasks for the day. If you're using Planner, the owner of your plan can add this information to their Outlook calendar. Then any member of the team can view tasks in a schedule view in Outlook. This enables you to have a clear view of priority tasks and appointments.

Manage Office files from your mobile device

To update the presentation with the latest figures, go into the Office hub on your mobile device where the document library for the team site has been set up to sync. From there, find the slide-deck that is being used for the meeting, and edit it directly from your phone, adding the latest figures from the Power BI dashboard. You can also easily access files via the Microsoft Teams files tab, which automatically opens Office Hub on your mobile device.