3.3.1 Separator and Special Tokens

 WS = 1*(WSC / line-continuation) 
 special-token = "," / "." / "!" /  "#" / "&" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "-" / "/" / ":" / ";" / "<" / "=" / ">" / "?" / "\" / "^" 
 NO-WS = <no whitespace characters allowed here> 
 NO-LINE-CONTINUATION = <a line-continuation is not allowed here> 
 EOL = [WS] LINE-END / single-quote comment-body 
 EOS = *(EOL  /  ":")  ;End Of Statement 
 single-quote = %x0027  ; ' 
 comment-body = *(line-continuation / non-line-termination-character) LINE-END 

<special-token> is used to identify single characters that have special meaning in the syntax of VBA programs. Because they are lexical tokens (section 3.3), these characters can be preceded by white space characters that are ignored. Any occurrence of one of the quoted <special-token> elements as a grammar element within the syntactic grammar is a reference to the corresponding token (section 3.3).

<NO-WS> is used as terminal element of the syntactic grammar to indicate that the token that immediately follows it MUST NOT be preceded by any white space characters. <NO-LINE-CONTINUATION> is used as terminal element of the syntactic grammar to indicate that the token that immediately follows it MUST NOT be preceded by white space that includes any <linecontinuation> sequences.

<WS> is used as a terminal element of the syntactic grammar to indicate that the token that immediately follows it MUST have been preceded by one or more white space characters.

<EOL> is used as element of the syntactic grammar to name the token that acts as an "end of statement" marker for statements that MUST be the only or last statement on a logical line.

<EOS> is used as a terminal element of the syntactic grammar to name the token that acts as an "end of statement" marker. In general, the end of statement is marked by either a <LINE-END> or a colon character. Any characters between a <single-quote> and a <LINE-END> are comment text that is ignored.