1.1 Glossary
This document uses the following terms:
add-in: Supplemental functionality that is provided by an external application or macro to extend the capabilities of an application.
KeyTip: A small, pop-up window that appears over commands on the ribbon when users press the ALT key. By pressing the key that is displayed in a KeyTip, users can execute the command that is associated with the KeyTip.
macro: A set of instructions that are recorded or written, and then typically saved to a file. When a macro is run, all of the instructions are performed automatically.
XML fragment: Lines of text that adhere to XML tag rules, as described in [XML], but do not have a Document Type Definition (DTD) or schema, processing instructions, or any other header information.
XML namespace: A collection of names that is used to identify elements, types, and attributes in XML documents identified in a URI reference [RFC3986]. A combination of XML namespace and local name allows XML documents to use elements, types, and attributes that have the same names but come from different sources. For more information, see [XMLNS-2ED].
XML namespace prefix: An abbreviated form of an XML namespace, as described in [XML].
XML schema: A description of a type of XML document that is typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, in addition to the basic syntax constraints that are imposed by XML itself. An XML schema provides a view of a document type at a relatively high level of abstraction.
XML schema definition (XSD): The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard language that is used in defining XML schemas. Schemas are useful for enforcing structure and constraining the types of data that can be used validly within other XML documents. XML schema definition refers to the fully specified and currently recommended standard for use in authoring XML schemas.
MAY, SHOULD, MUST, SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT: These terms (in all caps) are used as defined in [RFC2119]. All statements of optional behavior use either MAY, SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT.