
TypeId: {E26FEB13-2940-4DB9-A52B-12B160113A80}

ShortName: SP.Taxonomy.TermSet

Represents a hierarchical or flat set of Term (section objects known as a term set.

The TermSet object contains one or more child Term objects, and the root level of the hierarchy can be accessed through the Terms (section property. Get child Term objects by using search methods, such as GetTerms (section .Permissions for editing the TermSet object and its child Term objects are defined on the parent TermGroup (section object of the current TermSet.

The TermSet object also provides properties to get and set values of the TermSet, such as name and description, and a way to delete TermSet objects. Additionally, the TermSet object provides methods for checking changes on the TermSet.

The TermSet object derives from the TermSetItem (section base object, which provides additional behavior such as the ability to create child Term objects.