
This operation is used to create a new workbook session.

The following is the WSDL port type specification of the NewWorkbook WSDL operation.

 <wsdl:operation name="NewWorkbook" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">
   <wsdl:input message="tns:NewWorkbookSoapIn"/>
   <wsdl:output message="tns:NewWorkbookSoapOut"/>

If the language represented by uiCultureName is unsupported on the protocol server, the protocol server MAY<8> fall back to some other supported language. uiCultureName MAY<9> be empty, in which case the determination of which language to default to is protocol-server-implementation specific.

If the language represented by dataCultureName is unsupported on the protocol server, the protocol server MAY<10> fall back to some other supported language. dataCultureName MAY<11>  be empty, in which case the determination of which language to default to is protocol-server-implementation specific.

If the operation succeeds, the protocol server MUST return the session identifier of the newly created session (2) in the response message, to be used in any future operations in the newly created session.

If there was an application error on the protocol server during the operation, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault response, which SHOULD be one of the subcodes specified in section, but MAY instead contain any subcode specified in section or any other subcode.