Receive Ping Request

The Receive Ping Request event is triggered when a packet is received on the UDP or SPX port on which the acceptor is listening, as described in section 2.1.2. When this occurs, the protocol MUST perform the following actions:

  • Let Request be a reference to a Ping Packet (section 2.2.7), initialized to refer to the Ping Request (section 2.1.2) received.

  • If the Request.Signature field is not 0x5548, the protocol MUST ignore the packet and take no further action.

  • Let Response be a new instance of a Ping Packet (section 2.2.7).

  • The Response.Flags.RF field MUST NOT be set if the protocol will accept a session and MUST be set if the protocol will not accept a connection. The decision to accept or refuse a connection is implementation-dependent.<70>

  • The Response.Flags.RC field MUST be set to the value of the Request.Flags.RC field.

  • The Response.Cookie field MUST be set to the value of the Request.Cookie field.

  • The Response.QMGuid field MUST be set to the value of QueueManager.Identifier.

  • The Response.Signature field MUST be set to 0x5548, as specified in section 2.2.7.

  • Response MUST be sent as a Ping Response, as defined in Ping Message (section 2.1.2).