
The ReaderState_Return structure specifies state information returned from Smart Cards for Windows.

 typedef struct _ReaderState_Return {
   unsigned long dwCurrentState;
   unsigned long dwEventState;
   [range(0,36)] unsigned long cbAtr;
   byte rgbAtr[36];
 } ReaderState_Return;

dwCurrentState: A bitmap that defines the current state of the reader at the time of the call. Possible values are specified in section 2.2.7.

dwEventState: A bitmap that defines the state of the reader after a state change as seen by Smart Cards for Windows. Possible values are specified in section 2.2.7.

cbAtr: The number of used bytes in rgbAtr.

rgbAtr: The values for the card's ATR string. Unused bytes MUST be set to zero and MUST be ignored on receipt.