4.1.6 Volume Handling Sequence

The following annotation shows the On Stream Volume message sent from the server to the client. The fields of this message indicate the new stream volume level of the presentation and if the presentation volume is muted.

 On Stream Volume
 ChannelName = TSMF,36,server to client
 00000000 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 0f 01 00 00 8b a5 6b fd ...@..........k. 
 00000010 29 c0 1e 4a b0 78 cd 93 9e 70 34 98 34 08 00 00 )..J.x...p4.4...
 00000020 00 00 00 00                   ....
 00 00 00 40 -> Interface Id = 0x00000000 | mask STREAM_ID_PROXY (0x40000000)
 00 00 00 00 -> Message Id = 0x00000000 
 0f 01 00 00 -> ON_STREAM_VOLUME = 0x10f 
 8b a5 6b fd -> PresentationId (GUID) = {fd6ba58b-c029-4a1e-b078-cd939e703498} 
 29 c0 1e 4a 
 b0 78 cd 93 
 9e 70 34 98 
 34 08 00 00 -> NewVolume = 0x834
 00 00 00 00 -> bMuted = 0x00

The following annotation shows the On Channel Volume message sent from the server to the client. The fields of this message indicate the new channel volume level of the presentation and if the volume for a channel is muted.

 On Channel Volume
 ChannelName = TSMF,36,server to client
 00000000 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 10 01 00 00 8b a5 6b fd ...@..........k. 
 00000010 29 c0 1e 4a b0 78 cd 93 9e 70 34 98 10 27 00 00 )..J.x...p4..'..
 00000020 01 00 00 00                   ....
 00 00 00 40 -> Interface Id = 0x00000000 | mask STREAM_ID_PROXY (0x40000000)
 00 00 00 00 -> Message Id = 0x00000000 
 10 01 00 00 -> = ON_CHANNEL_VOLUME = 0x110
 8b a5 6b fd -> PresentationId (GUID) = {fd6ba58b-c029-4a1e-b078-cd939e703498} 
 29 c0 1e 4a 
 b0 78 cd 93 
 9e 70 34 98
 10 27 00 00 -> ChannelVolume = 0x2710
 01 00 00 00 -> ChangedChannel = 0x01