Unable to create an Outlook profile after a migration with Event 1098 in Microsoft Entra ID log
Applies to:
Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016
Original KB number: 4499299
When you try to create a Microsoft Outlook profile after a domain migration, you receive an error message that indicates you can't start Outlook or something went wrong. You also receive a sign-in prompt.
Additionally, you may see the Event 1098 in Microsoft Entra Operational log that resembles the following error:
Error: 2147943712
ErrorMessage: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.
AdditionalInformation: Exception of type 'class WinRTException' at webaccountprocessor.cpp, line: 190, method:
Microsoft Entra ID::Core::WebAccountProcessor::ProcessBrokerRequest::<lambda_>::operator (). Log: 0xcaa5001c Token broker operation failed. Operation name: RequestToken Logged at webaccountprocessor.cpp, line: 520, method: Microsoft Entra ID::Core::WebAccountProcessor::ReportException.
To find the Microsoft Entra Operational log in Event Viewer, locate Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Microsoft Entra ID > Operational.
There are multiple scenarios that can result in a change to a user security identifier (SID), for example, migrating the user to a new domain. However, the user profile isn't changed, and data files that have the old SID are now cached in an old profile. In this case, you may have an Office connection problem or authentication loops that results in this error.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
Delete all files from the Accounts folder at the following: location: