Get delegated admin relationship statistics

Applies to: Partner Center

Returns information on the count of Delegated Admin (DAP) relationships established or active that are associated to a partner across all of their customers.

Purpose: Partners are compliant to securely manage the customer tenant and remove inactive DAP relationships that are beyond 90 days using the Remove a DAP relationship with a customer - Partner Center app developer.

This API helps track the statistics of active DAPs so partners can transition active DAPs to Granular delegated admin privileges (GDAP).


This API is short lived and will be supported during the DAP deprecation phase. Post the DAP Deprecation program, this API will be retired.



This scenario supports authentication with App+User credentials only.

Token exchange to receive access token

For more information, see Configure an app to access a web API.

Create a service principal for the Partner Customer Delegated Administration API app in the partner tenant by executing the following commands from a PowerShell console.

  1. Connect to Microsoft Entra ID.


    Example: Migrate from Azure AD PowerShell to Microsoft Graph PowerShell. To learn more, see Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

    This opens an interactive window to sign in. Enter the credentials of the sandbox partner tenant.

  2. Next, create a new service principal: New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId 2832473f-ec63-45fb-976f-5d45a7d4bb91

    To learn more, see New-MgServicePrincipal (Microsoft.Graph.Applications).

    ObjectId AppId DisplayName
    c1bf31da-09e5-4985-ab50-3232d4ae4f5a 2832473f-ec63-45fb-976f-5d45a7d4bb91 Partner Customer Delegated Administration
  3. Next, you create an app in the tenant by going to the Azure portal, then App registrations, then either Create a public client app or Use an existing app.

  4. Select View API permissions > Add a permission > APIs my organization uses

  5. Select Partner Customer Delegated Administration > Delegated permissions > Add permissions

  6. Grant admin consent for this new permission.

You can now use an App+User token (with resource using this app (with a logged-in tenant admin) to call the GDAP APIs.

POST<partner_tenant_id>/oauth2/token grant_type=client_credentials&scope:<client_id>&client_secret:<client_secret>

REST request

Request syntax

Method Request URI

URI parameter

No URI parameters required for this API.

Request headers

Header Description Value
Authorization The authorization token in the form Bearer <token>. String

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this API.

Request example

GET delegatedAdminStatistics  
Authorization: Bearer \<token\> 
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 

REST response

If successful, this method returns a collection of delegatedAdminStatistics resources in the response body.

Response success and error codes

Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and other debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and other parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center REST error codes.

delegatedAdminStatistics resource

Represents the object containing statistics of the usage of Delegated Admin Privilege (DAP) relationships.


Property Type Description
id String The unique identifier of the partner tenant.
partnerTenantId String The unique identifier of the partner tenant.
totalDapCustomerCount Int The total number of customers with DAP access.
establishedDapCount delegatedAdminAccessCount collection The number of DAPs established(created) and Date of creation. Example: If 10 DAPs created on 6/18/2021, the response would include "count" as 10 and "date" as "6/18/2021."
inactiveDapCount delegatedAdminAccessCount collection The count of customers who have had sign-ins with the last date of sign-in. Example: If partner(s) signed in to 10 customers tenant on 6/18/2021, the response would include "count" as 10 and "date" as "6/18/2021."

delegatedAdminAccessCount resource

Represents the count of delegated admin per day.

Property Type Description
Date String The date of the action [established or signed in].
Count Int The count of customers.

Response example


  "@odata.context": "$metadata#delegatedAdminStatistics/$entity", 

  "id": "8984fecd-00a2-4686-ba43-b5c20866944a", 

  "partnerTenantId": "8984fecd-00a2-4686-ba43-b5c20866944a", 

  "totalDapCustomerCount": 200, 

  "establishedDapCount": [ 


      "date": "6/18/2021", 

      "count": 1 



      "date": "2/18/2022", 

      "count": 1 



  "inactiveDapCount": [ 


      "date": "2/18/2022", 

      "count": 1  



      "date": "2/24/2022", 

      "count": 1 


