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Prepare localized solutions

To offer your app solution in languages beyond the primary language, you need localized metadata for each additional language. For apps, the best customer experience is to provide web services and functionality that support these additional languages. You also need to create descriptions in each language. For a list of the languages that Partner Center currently accepts, see the table later in this article.


For information about localizing Add-ins, see Localization for Office Add-ins and Localize SharePoint Add-ins.

To distribute your solution in additional languages, choose Manage additional languages on the Marketplace listings page in Partner Center. After you add other languages, you need to submit your solution for certification again.

For previously approved apps, if you updated your manifest, you need to ensure that you update the app version in the manifest. The current app version remains in Microsoft AppSource and the in-product experience until your new app is approved, unless you unpublish the current app.

Localized Microsoft AppSource listings

Microsoft AppSource is available in 40 languages in 60 corresponding markets. In each of these markets, Microsoft AppSource displays metadata in either English or the corresponding language. When you submit your solution, you can provide metadata (descriptions, screenshots, name) in the languages that you would like to be listed in, and explicitly specify these languages on the Marketplace listings page in Partner Center. Verify that the primary submission language is in the app manifest, if applicable.

If English is the only submission language, by default, your solution is listed in Microsoft AppSource fronts in all 60 markets with English metadata.

If a non-English language is the only submission language, your solution is listed in Microsoft AppSource fronts in the corresponding markets, with metadata in that language.

If English and any non-English languages are submission languages, English is considered the default submission language.

  • Your solution is listed in Microsoft AppSource fronts in the corresponding markets for all non-English language you provide, with metadata in that language.
  • Your solution is listed in Microsoft AppSource fronts in all remaining markets with English metadata.

The following table lists the submission languages that Microsoft AppSource is available in, and the locales and markets that correspond to each of these languages.

List of distribution languages and corresponding markets for Microsoft AppSource

Submission language Locale (language tag) Market (country/region)
English en-us United States
English en-au Australia
English en-ca Canada - English
English en-gb United Kingdom
English en-in India
English en-ie Ireland
English en-nz New Zealand
English en-sg Singapore
English en-za South Africa
English en-001 International English
French fr-fr France
French fr-be Belgium
French fr-ca Canada - French
French fr-ch Switzerland
French fr-001 International French
German de-de Germany
German de-at Austria
German de-ch Switzerland
Japanese ja-jp Japan
Spanish es-es Spain
Spanish es-mx Mexico
Spanish es-hn Honduras
Spanish es-ar Argentina
Italian it-it Italy
Dutch nl-be Belgium
Dutch nl-nl The Netherlands
Russian ru-ru Russia
Chinese zh-cn China
Chinese zh-hk Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)
Chinese zh-tw Taiwan
Portuguese pt-br Brazil
Portuguese pt-pt Portugal
Arabic ar-sa Saudi Arabia
Bulgarian bg-bg Bulgaria
Czech cs-cz Czech Republic
Danish da-dk Denmark
Greek el-gr Greece
Estonian et-ee Estonia
Finnish fi-fi Finland
Hebrew he-il Israel
Hindi hi-in India
Croatian hr-hr Croatia
Hungarian hu-hu Hungary
Indonesian id-id Indonesia
Kazakh kk-kz Kazakhstan
Korean ko-kr Korea
Lithuanian lt-lt Lithuania
Latvian lv-lv Latvia
Malay ms-my Malaysia
Norwegian nb-no Norway
Polish pl-pl Poland
Romanian ro-ro Romania
Serbian (Latin) sr-latn-rs Serbia
Slovenian sl-si Slovenia
Slovak sk-sk Slovakia
Swedish sv-se Sweden
Thai th-th Thailand
Turkish tr-tr Türkiye
Ukrainian uk-ua Ukraine
Vietnamese vi-vn Vietnam

See also