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Test and debug cards

Use the Play page to preview your cards before sending them out to users. The Play page has tools to test your card and help you debug any issues. Get to the Play page in the card designer.

Card instances that you preview in the Play page expire 48 hours after you create the preview. After 48 hours, select Play in the card designer to create a fresh instance of the card.


Preview a card in the Play page

  1. Sign in to Power Apps. Select Cards, and then select a card. If the Cards tab is not visible, select More and pin the Cards tab.

  2. Select Play at the top of the card designer window. The Play page opens in a new browser tab.

    Screenshot of the Play button in the card designer.

The Play page is made up of the following components:

Screenshot of the Play page in the card designer with components called out.


  1. The card title
  2. Preview the card in light or dark mode
  3. View and interact with the card
  4. Send a link to the card to Microsoft Teams
  5. Open debugging information and tools

Test your card

The example used in this section is from the simple card tutorial.

Test your card by interacting with all the controls in it. In the example below, the Say Hello button stores the user's text input in a variable, and then uses the value of the variable in the card title. If you're testing this card, you'll enter your name and select Say Hello, and then make sure the card title changes to reflect your input.

Before you interact with the card, its title is Hello No Name:

Screenshot of a card before interacting with it.

After you interact with the card, the card title changes to Hello <whatever you entered>:

Screenshot of the card after interacting with it.

You should also change the View from light to dark mode and make sure the card looks good in both.

Screenshot of the card in dark mode.

Debug your card

If you encounter issues while testing your card, open the debug pane to troubleshoot and get suggestions for fixing them.

There are four tabs in the debug pane: Memory, JSON, Output, and Info.


The Memory tab displays the variables that the card has stored and how your card is assigning and using them. If you're encountering issues with memory, check your variable names and any related Power Fx formulas that are used in your card.

The example below shows that the user input that's stored in UserAnswer has the same value as the variable UserName, and that both are used in the main screen.

Screenshot of the Memory tab in the debug pane.


The JSON tab displays the JSON representation of your card. A direct view of the card's underlying code can be helpful for developers who prefer a code-first approach.


The Output tab displays any output from your card. This tab is available only when a card has output elements.


The Info tab displays the card's Environment ID, Card ID, and User.