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Export Power BI paginated reports with Power Automate

With Power Automate, you can automate the export and distribution of Power BI paginated reports to supported formats and scenarios. In this article, you learn which templates you can use to build your own flows to export your paginated reports.

Power Automate is a no-code way to interact with the Export To File API in the user interface. See the connector reference article for the Power BI REST API to start interacting with the API directly.


To follow along, make sure you have:


You can also follow along if you have a Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) license but you're limited to one export within a five-minute window.

Create a flow from a template

  1. Go to flow.microsoft.com and sign in to Power Automate.

  2. Select Templates, and search for paginated reports.

    Screenshot that shows the Power Automate templates for Power BI paginated reports.

Select a template

Select a template from the following list to start the step-by-step walkthrough.

Considerations and limitations

When you use Power Automate to export a paginated report that takes more than two minutes to download, the export fails due to the Power Automate outbound synchronous request limitation.