

Manage a local group.


Group [String] #ResourceName
    GroupName = [string]
    [Credential = [PSCredential]]
    [DependsOn = [string[]]]
    [Description = [string]]
    [Ensure = [string]{ Absent | Present }]
    [Members = [string[]]]
    [MembersToExclude = [string[]]]
    [MembersToInclude = [string[]]]
    [PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]


The Group resource enables you to manage local groups. It can create, update, and remove groups. You can use this resource to enforce group membership and set the group's description.



Key properties


Specify the name of the group.

Type: System.String

Optional properties


Specify the credential for an account with permission to resolve non-local group members if needed.

Type: System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
Default Value: None


Specify the group's description.

Type: System.String
Default Value: None


Specify whether the group should exist. To add or update a group, set this property to Present. To remove a group, set this property to Absent. The default value is Present.

Type: System.String
Accepted Values:
  - Absent
  - Present
Default Value: Present


Specify the full list of the group's members as an array of strings. If you specify this property, the resource sets the group's member list to this value. Format each member as one of the following:

  • Domain qualified name: <domain>\<username>
  • UPN: <username>@<domain>
  • Distinguished name: CN=<username>,DC=...
  • Username: <username>

Don't use this property with the MembersToExclude or MembersToInclude properties. If you do, the resource throws an exception.

Type: System.String[]
Default Value: None


Specify one or more members to exclude from the group as an array of strings. If you specify this property, the resource removes these members from the group if it includes them. Format each member as one of the following:

  • Domain qualified name: <domain>\<username>
  • UPN: <username>@<domain>
  • Distinguished name: CN=<username>,DC=...
  • Username: <username>

Don't use this property with the Members property. If you do, the resource throws an exception.

Type: System.String[]
Default Value: None


Specify one or more members to include in the group as an array of strings. If you specify this property, the resource adds these members from the group if it doesn't include them. Format each member as one of the following:

  • Domain qualified name: <domain>\<username>
  • UPN: <username>@<domain>
  • Distinguished name: CN=<username>,DC=...
  • Username: <username>

Don't use this property with the Members property. If you do, the resource throws an exception.

Type: System.String[]
Default Value: None
