

Manage a registry key or value.


Registry [String] #ResourceName
    Key = [string]
    ValueName = [string]
    [DependsOn = [string[]]]
    [Ensure = [string]{ Absent | Present }]
    [Force = [bool]]
    [Hex = [bool]]
    [PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]
    [ValueData = [string[]]]
    [ValueType = [string]{ Binary | DWord | ExpandString | MultiString | QWord | String }]


The Registry resource enables you to add and remove registry keys and to add, update, and remove registry key values.




Key properties


Specify the path to the registry key as a string. This path must include the registry hive or drive, such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM:.

Type: System.String
Behavior: Key


Specify the name of the registry value as a string. To add or remove a registry key, specify this property as an empty string without specifying the ValueType or ValueData property. To update or remove the default value of a registry key, specify this property as an empty string with the ValueType or ValueData property.

Type: System.String

Optional properties


Specify whether the registry key or value should exist. To add or update a registry key or value, set this property to Present. To remove a registry key or value, set this property to Absent.

Type: System.String
Accepted Values:
  - Absent
  - Present
Default Value: Present


Specify whether to overwrite the registry key value if it already has a value or to delete a registry key that has subkeys. The default value is $false.

Type: System.Boolean
Default Value: false


Specify whether the specified registry key data is provided in a hexadecimal format. Specify this property only when ValueType is DWord or QWord. If ValueType isn't DWord or Qword, the resource ignores this property. The default value is $false.

Type: System.Boolean
Default Value: false


Specify the registry key value as a string or, if ValueType is MultiString, an array of strings. If ValueType isn't MultiString and this property's value is mulitple strings, the resource throws an invalid argument exception.

Type: System.String[]
Default Value: None


Specify the type for the specified registry key value's data.

Type: System.String
Accepted Values:
  - Binary
  - DWord
  - ExpandString
  - MultiString
  - QWord
  - String
Default Value: String
