
This cmdlet is not in use by any online service, so please consider it deprecated.


   [-SecurityComplianceNotificationEmails <String[]>]
   [-SecurityComplianceNotificationPhones <String[]>]
   [-TenantId <Guid>]


This cmdlet is not in use by any online service, so please consider it deprecated.  For more information about how to properly configure security contact details in Azure Security Center, see Provide security contact details in Azure Security Center.

The Set-MsolCompanySecurityComplianceContactInformation cmdlet sets company-level security and compliance contact preferences. These preferences include email addresses and phone numbers of the tenant’s security and compliance contacts. The contact is used for notification purposes.


Example 1: Set contact information

Set-MsolCompanySecurityComplianceContactInformation -SecurityComplianceNotificationEmails "", "" -SecuritComplianceNotificationPhones "555-555-0012","555-555-0199"

This cmdlet is not in use by any online service, so please consider it deprecated.  For more information about how to properly configure security contact details in Azure Security Center, see Provide security contact details in Azure Security Center.

This command sets multiple email addresses as company-level security and compliance contacts and respective phone numbers for each contact.



Specifies an array of company-level security and compliance contact email addresses.

This cmdlet is not in use by any online service, so please consider it deprecated.  For more information about how to properly configure security contact details in Azure Security Center, see Provide security contact details in Azure Security Center.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an array of company-level security and compliance contact phone numbers.

This cmdlet is not in use by any online service, so please consider it deprecated.  For more information about how to properly configure security contact details in Azure Security Center, see Provide security contact details in Azure Security Center.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the unique ID of the tenant on which to perform the operation. The default value is the tenant of the current user. This parameter applies only to partner users.

This cmdlet is not in use by any online service, so please consider it deprecated.  For more information about how to properly configure security contact details in Azure Security Center, see Provide security contact details in Azure Security Center.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False



System.Nullable`1[[System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]




This cmdlet is not in use by any online service, so please consider it deprecated.  For more information about how to properly configure security contact details in Azure Security Center, see Provide security contact details in Azure Security Center.