This reference provides command-line reference documentation for the IT professional of the Windows PowerShell cmdlets that you can use to deploy and administer Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in Windows Server.
Add-ADFSAttributeStore |
Adds an attribute store to the Federation Service. |
Add-ADFSCertificate |
Adds a new certificate to the Federation Service for signing, decrypting, or securing communications. |
Add-ADFSClaimDescription |
Adds a claim description to the Federation Service. |
Add-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Adds a new claims provider trust to the Federation Service. |
Add-AdfsFarmNode |
Adds this computer to an existing federation server farm. |
Add-AdfsProxy |
Configures this computer as a federation server proxy. |
Add-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Adds a new relying party trust to the Federation Service. |
Disable-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Disables a claims provider trust in the Federation Service. |
Disable-ADFSEndpoint |
Disables an endpoint of the Federation Service. |
Disable-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Disables a relying party trust of the Federation Service. |
Enable-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Enables a claims provider trust in the Federation Service. |
Enable-ADFSEndpoint |
Enables an endpoint in the Federation Service. |
Enable-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Enables a relying party trust of the Federation Service. |
Export-AdfsDeploymentSQLScript |
Generates the SQL scripts that can be used separately to create the AD FS database and to grant permissions. |
Get-ADFSAttributeStore |
Gets the attribute stores of the Federation Service. |
Get-ADFSCertificate |
Gets the certificates that are in the Federation Service. |
Get-ADFSClaimDescription |
Gets claim descriptions that are in the Federation Service. |
Get-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Gets the claims provider trusts in the Federation Service. |
Get-ADFSConfiguration |
Gets the configuration properties of the Federation Service. |
Get-ADFSEndpoint |
Gets the endpoints in the Federation Service. |
Get-ADFSProxyConfiguration |
Gets the configuration properties of the federation server proxy. |
Get-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Gets the relying party trusts of the Federation Service. |
Get-ADFSSyncConfiguration |
Gets the configuration database synchronization properties of the Federation Service. |
Install-AdfsFarm |
Creates the first node of a new federation server farm. |
Install-AdfsStandalone |
Sets up this computer as a stand-alone federation server for evaluation purposes or for a small lab environment. |
New-ADFSClaimRuleSet |
Creates a new set of claim rules. |
New-ADFSContactPerson |
Creates a new contact person object. |
New-ADFSOrganization |
Creates a new organization information object. |
New-ADFSSamlEndpoint |
Creates a new SAML protocol endpoint object. |
Remove-ADFSAttributeStore |
Removes an attribute store from the Federation Service. |
Remove-ADFSCertificate |
Removes a certificate from the Federation Service. |
Remove-ADFSClaimDescription |
Removes a claim description from the Federation Service. |
Remove-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Removes a claims provider trust from the Federation Service. |
Remove-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Removes a relying party trust from the Federation Service. |
Revoke-ADFSProxyTrust |
Revokes trust for all federation server proxies configured for the Federation Service. |
Set-ADFSAttributeStore |
Sets the properties of the attribute store. |
Set-ADFSCertificate |
Sets the properties of an existing certificate that the Federation Service uses to sign, decrypt, or secure communications. |
Set-ADFSClaimDescription |
Sets the properties of an existing claim description. |
Set-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Sets the properties of a claims provider trust. |
Set-ADFSConfiguration |
Sets the configuration properties of the Federation Service. |
Set-ADFSEndpoint |
Sets the properties of a Federation Service endpoint. |
Set-ADFSProxyConfiguration |
Sets the configuration properties of the federation server proxy. |
Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Sets the properties of a relying party trust. |
Set-ADFSSyncConfiguration |
Sets the configuration properties of the database synchronization engine for the federation server farm. |
Update-ADFSCertificate |
Updates the certificates of the Federation Service. |
Update-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust |
Updates the claims provider trust from federation metadata. |
Update-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust |
Updates the relying party trust from federation metadata. |