Microsoft Azure PowerShell: CustomLocation cmdlets
Find-AzCustomLocationTargetResourceGroup |
Returns the target resource group associated with the resource sync rules of the Custom Location that match the rules passed in with the Find Target Resource Group Request. |
Get-AzCustomLocation |
Gets the details of the customLocation with a specified resource group and name. |
Get-AzCustomLocationEnabledResourceType |
Gets the list of the Enabled Resource Types. |
Get-AzCustomLocationResourceSyncRule |
Gets the details of the resourceSyncRule with a specified resource group, subscription id Custom Location resource name and Resource Sync Rule name. |
New-AzCustomLocation |
Create a Custom Location in the specified Subscription and Resource Group |
New-AzCustomLocationMatchExpressionsObject |
Create an in-memory object for MatchExpressionsProperties. |
New-AzCustomLocationResourceSyncRule |
Create a Resource Sync Rule in the parent Custom Location, Subscription Id and Resource Group |
Remove-AzCustomLocation |
Deletes the Custom Location with the specified Resource Name, Resource Group, and Subscription Id. |
Remove-AzCustomLocationResourceSyncRule |
Deletes the Resource Sync Rule with the specified Resource Sync Rule Name, Custom Location Resource Name, Resource Group, and Subscription Id. |
Update-AzCustomLocation |
Update a Custom Location in the specified Subscription and Resource Group |
Update-AzCustomLocationResourceSyncRule |
Update a Resource Sync Rule with the specified Resource Sync Rule name in the specified Resource Group, Subscription and Custom Location name. |