Update the navigation property collaboration in security
[-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
[-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>]
[-AnalyzedEmails <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmail[]>]
[-Id <String>]
[-Headers <IDictionary>]
[-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
-BodyParameter <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityCollaborationRoot>
[-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
[-Headers <IDictionary>]
[-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
Update the navigation property collaboration in security
Additional Parameters
Type: | Hashtable |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Contains metadata for analyzed emails. To construct, see NOTES section for ANALYZEDEMAILS properties and create a hash table.
Type: | IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmail[] |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
collaborationRoot To construct, see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.
Type: | IMicrosoftGraphSecurityCollaborationRoot |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Aliases: | cf |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Optional headers that will be added to the request.
Type: | IDictionary |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}
Type: | ActionPreference |
Aliases: | proga |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Optional Response Headers Variable.
Type: | String |
Aliases: | RHV |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Aliases: | wi |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.
ANALYZEDEMAILS <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmail-
: Contains metadata for analyzed emails.
[Id <String>]
: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.[AlertIds <String-
: A collection of values that contain the IDs of any alerts associated with the email.[Attachments <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailAttachment-
: A collection of the attachments in the email.[DetonationDetails <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationDetails>]
: detonationDetails[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[AnalysisDateTime <DateTime?>]
: The time of detonation.[DetonationChain <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationChain>]
: detonationChain[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[ChildNodes <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationChain-
: A list of all child nodes in the chain.[Value <String>]
: The value of the chain.
[DetonationObservables <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationObservables>]
: detonationObservables[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[ContactedIps <String-
: The list of all contacted IPs in the detonation.[ContactedUrls <String-
: The list of all URLs found in the detonation.[Droppedfiles <String-
: The list of all dropped files in the detonation.
[DetonationVerdict <String>]
: The verdict of the detonation.[DetonationVerdictReason <String>]
: The reason for the verdict of the detonation.
[FileName <String>]
: The name of the attachment in the email.[FileType <String>]
: The type of the attachment in the email.[Sha256 <String>]
: The SHA256 file hash of the attachment.[ThreatName <String>]
: The threat name associated with the threat type.[ThreatType <String>]
: threatType
[AttachmentsCount <Int32?>]
: The number of attachments in the email.[AuthenticationDetails <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailAuthenticationDetail>]
: analyzedEmailAuthenticationDetail[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[CompositeAuthentication <String>]
: A value used by Microsoft 365 to combine email authentication such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, to determine whether the message is authentic.[Dkim <String>]
: DomainKeys identified mail (DKIM). Indicates whether it was pass/fail/soft fail.[Dmarc <String>]
: Domain-based Message Authentication. Indicates whether it was pass/fail/soft fail.[SenderPolicyFramework <String>]
: Sender Policy Framework (SPF). Indicates whether it was pass/fail/soft fail.
[BulkComplaintLevel <String>]
: The bulk complaint level of the email. A higher level is more likely to be spam.[Contexts <String-
: Provides context of the email.[DetectionMethods <String-
: The methods of detection used.[Directionality <String>]
: antispamDirectionality[DistributionList <String>]
: The distribution list details to which the email was sent.[EmailClusterId <String>]
: The identifier for the group of similar emails clustered based on heuristic analysis of their content.[ExchangeTransportRules <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailExchangeTransportRuleInfo-
: The name of the Exchange transport rules (ETRs) associated with the email.[Name <String>]
: Name of the Exchange transport rules (ETRs) that are part of the email.[RuleId <String>]
: The ETR rule ID.
[InternetMessageId <String>]
: A public-facing identifier for the email that is sent. The message ID is in the format specified by RFC2822.[Language <String>]
: The detected language of the email content.[LatestDelivery <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailDeliveryDetail>]
: analyzedEmailDeliveryDetail[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[Action <String>]
: deliveryAction[Location <String>]
: deliveryLocation
[LoggedDateTime <DateTime?>]
: Date-time when the email record was logged.[NetworkMessageId <String>]
: An internal identifier for the email generated by Microsoft 365.[OriginalDelivery <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailDeliveryDetail>]
: analyzedEmailDeliveryDetail[OverrideSources <String-
: An aggregated list of all overrides with source on email.[PhishConfidenceLevel <String>]
: The phish confidence level associated with the email[Policy <String>]
: The action policy that took effect.[PolicyAction <String>]
: The action taken on the email based on the configured policy.[RecipientEmailAddress <String>]
: Contains the email address of the recipient.[ReturnPath <String>]
: A field that indicates where and how bounced emails are processed.[SenderDetail <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailSenderDetail>]
: analyzedEmailSenderDetail[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[FromAddress <String>]
: The sender email address in the mail From header, also known as the envelope sender or the P1 sender.[Ipv4 <String>]
: The IPv4 address of the last detected mail server that relayed the message.[MailFromAddress <String>]
: The sender email address in the From header, which is visible to email recipients on their email clients. Also known as P2 sender.
[SizeInBytes <Int32?>]
: Size of the email in bytes.[SpamConfidenceLevel <String>]
: Spam confidence of the email.[Subject <String>]
: Subject of the email.[ThreatTypes <String-
: Indicates the threat types. The possible values are: unknown, spam, malware, phish, none, unknownFutureValue.[Urls <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailUrl-
: A collection of the URLs in the email.[DetectionMethod <String>]
: The method used to detect threats in the URL.[DetonationDetails <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationDetails>]
: detonationDetails[ThreatType <String>]
: threatType[Url <String>]
: The URL that is found in the email. This is full URL string, including query parameters.
[UrlsCount <Int32?>]
: The number of URLs in the email.
BODYPARAMETER <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityCollaborationRoot>
: collaborationRoot
[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[Id <String>]
: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.[AnalyzedEmails <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmail-
: Contains metadata for analyzed emails.[Id <String>]
: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.[AlertIds <String-
: A collection of values that contain the IDs of any alerts associated with the email.[Attachments <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailAttachment-
: A collection of the attachments in the email.[DetonationDetails <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationDetails>]
: detonationDetails[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[AnalysisDateTime <DateTime?>]
: The time of detonation.[DetonationChain <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationChain>]
: detonationChain[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[ChildNodes <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationChain-
: A list of all child nodes in the chain.[Value <String>]
: The value of the chain.
[DetonationObservables <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationObservables>]
: detonationObservables[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[ContactedIps <String-
: The list of all contacted IPs in the detonation.[ContactedUrls <String-
: The list of all URLs found in the detonation.[Droppedfiles <String-
: The list of all dropped files in the detonation.
[DetonationVerdict <String>]
: The verdict of the detonation.[DetonationVerdictReason <String>]
: The reason for the verdict of the detonation.
[FileName <String>]
: The name of the attachment in the email.[FileType <String>]
: The type of the attachment in the email.[Sha256 <String>]
: The SHA256 file hash of the attachment.[ThreatName <String>]
: The threat name associated with the threat type.[ThreatType <String>]
: threatType
[AttachmentsCount <Int32?>]
: The number of attachments in the email.[AuthenticationDetails <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailAuthenticationDetail>]
: analyzedEmailAuthenticationDetail[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[CompositeAuthentication <String>]
: A value used by Microsoft 365 to combine email authentication such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, to determine whether the message is authentic.[Dkim <String>]
: DomainKeys identified mail (DKIM). Indicates whether it was pass/fail/soft fail.[Dmarc <String>]
: Domain-based Message Authentication. Indicates whether it was pass/fail/soft fail.[SenderPolicyFramework <String>]
: Sender Policy Framework (SPF). Indicates whether it was pass/fail/soft fail.
[BulkComplaintLevel <String>]
: The bulk complaint level of the email. A higher level is more likely to be spam.[Contexts <String-
: Provides context of the email.[DetectionMethods <String-
: The methods of detection used.[Directionality <String>]
: antispamDirectionality[DistributionList <String>]
: The distribution list details to which the email was sent.[EmailClusterId <String>]
: The identifier for the group of similar emails clustered based on heuristic analysis of their content.[ExchangeTransportRules <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailExchangeTransportRuleInfo-
: The name of the Exchange transport rules (ETRs) associated with the email.[Name <String>]
: Name of the Exchange transport rules (ETRs) that are part of the email.[RuleId <String>]
: The ETR rule ID.
[InternetMessageId <String>]
: A public-facing identifier for the email that is sent. The message ID is in the format specified by RFC2822.[Language <String>]
: The detected language of the email content.[LatestDelivery <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailDeliveryDetail>]
: analyzedEmailDeliveryDetail[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[Action <String>]
: deliveryAction[Location <String>]
: deliveryLocation
[LoggedDateTime <DateTime?>]
: Date-time when the email record was logged.[NetworkMessageId <String>]
: An internal identifier for the email generated by Microsoft 365.[OriginalDelivery <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailDeliveryDetail>]
: analyzedEmailDeliveryDetail[OverrideSources <String-
: An aggregated list of all overrides with source on email.[PhishConfidenceLevel <String>]
: The phish confidence level associated with the email[Policy <String>]
: The action policy that took effect.[PolicyAction <String>]
: The action taken on the email based on the configured policy.[RecipientEmailAddress <String>]
: Contains the email address of the recipient.[ReturnPath <String>]
: A field that indicates where and how bounced emails are processed.[SenderDetail <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailSenderDetail>]
: analyzedEmailSenderDetail[(Any) <Object>]
: This indicates any property can be added to this object.[FromAddress <String>]
: The sender email address in the mail From header, also known as the envelope sender or the P1 sender.[Ipv4 <String>]
: The IPv4 address of the last detected mail server that relayed the message.[MailFromAddress <String>]
: The sender email address in the From header, which is visible to email recipients on their email clients. Also known as P2 sender.
[SizeInBytes <Int32?>]
: Size of the email in bytes.[SpamConfidenceLevel <String>]
: Spam confidence of the email.[Subject <String>]
: Subject of the email.[ThreatTypes <String-
: Indicates the threat types. The possible values are: unknown, spam, malware, phish, none, unknownFutureValue.[Urls <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityAnalyzedEmailUrl-
: A collection of the URLs in the email.[DetectionMethod <String>]
: The method used to detect threats in the URL.[DetonationDetails <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityDetonationDetails>]
: detonationDetails[ThreatType <String>]
: threatType[Url <String>]
: The URL that is found in the email. This is full URL string, including query parameters.
[UrlsCount <Int32?>]
: The number of URLs in the email.