Online Management PowerShell lets you manage online Dataverse environments in your Office 365 tenants.
The online management API PowerShell module is deprecated. The online management API PowerShell module will be updated in October, 2020 to point to newer underlying APIs and won’t receive further updates. We recommend that you use the Power Apps administration module. More information: Get started using the Power Apps admin module. For a list of breaking changes, see Breaking changes in version 2.0+
Add-CrmFlightAudience |
Adds the specified environment to a particular flight. |
Backup-CrmInstance |
Initiates a back up a Dataverse environment. |
Copy-CrmInstance |
Copy a version 9 or later Dataverse production or sandbox environment to another sandbox environment in your Office 365 tenant. |
Disable-CrmAdminMode |
Disables administration mode on a sandbox environment that has administration mode enabled. |
Disable-CrmManagementApp |
Disables the specified registered Azure Active Directory Web app/API application. |
Enable-CrmAdminMode |
Enables administration mode on a sandbox environment. |
Enable-CrmManagementApp |
Enables the specified registered Azure Active Directory Web app/API application. |
Get-CrmCurrencies |
Returns a list of currencies that are available for all environments within the same tenant. |
Get-CrmFlights |
Lists all flights that are available for opt-in or opt-out. Opting in to a flight allows the environment to become a participant in previewing a feature that is specific to that flight. |
Get-CrmGenerateProtectionKey |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Returns a new protection key. |
Get-CrmInstance |
Retrieves a Dataverse environment in your Office 365 tenant. |
Get-CrmInstanceBackup |
This cmdlet was removed in version of the module. |
Get-CrmInstanceBackups |
Retrieves all backups for a Dataverse environment. |
Get-CrmInstances |
Retrieves details for Dataverse environments that are in your tenant. |
Get-CrmInstanceType |
Retrieves information about a Dataverse environment type. |
Get-CrmInstanceTypes |
Retrieves information about all the environment types available, such as production, sandbox, support, preview, and trial, in the Dataverse tenant. |
Get-CrmLanguages |
Retrieves all languages supported by Dataverse for the specified service release. |
Get-CrmManagementApp |
Returns the specified registered Azure Active Directory Web app/API application. |
Get-CrmManagementApps |
Returns a list of all registered Azure Active Directory Web app/API applications under the tenant. |
Get-CrmOperationStatus |
Retrieves the status for an operation from your Dataverse environment. |
Get-CrmProtectedInstances |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Retrieves a list of tenant protected environments in your Office 365 tenant. |
Get-CrmRetrieveAvailableTenantProtectionKeys |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Returns the available protection keys for the current tenant. |
Get-CrmRetrieveTenantProtectionKey |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Returns the current tenant protection key. |
Get-CrmServiceVersions |
Retrieves information about all currently supported releases for Dataverse. |
Get-CrmTemplates |
Retrieves a list of application templates supported for provisioning a Dataverse or environment. |
New-CrmAdminModeSetting |
Defines the object that can be passed to the Enable-CrmAdminMode and Disable-CrmAdminMode cmdlets to enable or disable administration mode for a Dataverse environment. When you place a Sandbox environment in administration mode only users with System Administrator or System Customizer security roles will be able to sign in to that environment. Administration mode is useful when you want to make operational changes and not have regular users affect your work, and not have your work affect regular users. |
New-CrmBackupInfo |
This cmdlet was removed in version of the module. |
New-CrmImportProtectionKey |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Imports a new protection key. |
New-CrmInstance |
Provisions (creates) a Dataverse environment in your Office 365 tenant. |
New-CrmInstanceCopyRequestInfo |
Creates the object that defines the parameters used to copy a Dataverse environment by using the Copy-CrmInstance cmdlet. |
New-CrmInstanceInfo |
Creates the object that defines the parameters used to create a new Dataverse environment by using the New-CrmInstance cmdlet. |
New-CrmInstanceResetRequestInfo |
Creates the object that defines the parameters used to reset a Dataverse environment by using the Reset-CrmInstance cmdlet. |
New-CrmManagementApp |
Registers an Azure Active Directory Web app/API to be used with the Microsoft.Xrm.OnlineManagementAPI PowerShell module. |
Remove-CrmFlightAudience |
Removes the environment as an audience to a particular flight. |
Remove-CrmInstance |
Removes (deletes) the specified Dataverse environment. |
Remove-CrmManagementApp |
Removes the specified registered Azure Active Directory Web app/API application so it cannot be used with Microsoft.Xrm.OnlineManagementAPI PowerShell module. |
Reset-CrmInstance |
Resets a sandbox environment to delete and re-provision it. |
Restore-CrmInstance |
Restores a Dataverse environment from the specified source and target ids. |
Set-CrmLockTenantProtectedInstances |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Locks all the environnments associated with the tenant. !WARNING Locking the encryption for the tenant disables all the environments that are in the tenant. All locked environments remain inaccessible to everyone, including Microsoft, until a tenant administrator in your organization unlocks it by using the key that was used to lock it. |
Set-CrmProtectWithMicrosoftKey |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Protects an environment with the default Microsoft key. |
Set-CrmProtectWithTenantKey |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Protects an environment with the tenant key. |
Set-CrmTenantProtectionKey |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Sets your tenant’s active database encryption key using your imported certificate. This command kicks off the process to set the key and will return a response status of either Installing or Failed. |
Set-CrmUnlockTenantProtectedInstance |
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.] Unlocks the specified environment. Notice that, after the tenant is locked, to unlock environments you must unlock each locked environment individually by using the key that was used to lock the tenant. |