Gets MPIO settings.
Get-MPIOSetting []
The Get-MPIOSetting cmdlet gets Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO) settings. The settings are as follows:
- PathVerificationState
- PathVerificationPeriod
- PDORemovePeriod
- RetryCount
- RetryInterval
- UseCustomPathRecoveryTime
- CustomPathRecoveryTime
- DiskTimeoutValue
You can use the Set-MPIOSetting cmdlet to change these values.
PS C:\> Get-MPIOSetting
PathVerificationState : Disabled
PathVerificationPeriod : 30
PDORemovePeriod : 20
RetryCount : 3
RetryInterval : 1
UseCustomPathRecoveryTime : Disabled
CustomPathRecoveryTime : 40
DiskTimeoutValue : 120
This command gets the MPIO settings.