This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all Network Controller cmdlets.
Add-NetworkControllerNode |
Adds a network controller node to an existing network controller deployment. |
Clear-NetworkControllerNodeContent |
Clears Network Controller settings from a Network Controller node. |
Disable-NetworkControllerNode |
Disables a network controller node for maintenance purposes. |
Enable-NetworkControllerNode |
Enables a network controller node. |
Get-NetworkController |
Gets network controller application settings. |
Get-NetworkControllerAccessControlList |
Gets the access control list for a network controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerAccessControlListRule |
Gets a rule from an access control list for a network controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerCluster |
Gets the network controller cluster settings. |
Get-NetworkControllerConnectivityCheck | |
Get-NetworkControllerConnectivityCheckResult | |
Get-NetworkControllerCredential |
Retrieves a specified device credential or all device credentials from Network Controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerDiagnostic |
Gets network controller diagnostic settings. |
Get-NetworkControllerFabricRoute |
Gets a network route or all the routes in a subnet in the Network Controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerGateway |
Gets the configuration of one or more gateway virtual machines. |
Get-NetworkControllerGatewayPool |
Gets the configuration of one or more gateway pools. |
Get-NetworkControllerInternalResourceInstances |
This cmdlet provides mapping between the user generated resource ID and the internal instance ID in the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerIpPool |
This cmdlet retrieves the settings of an IP pool from the Network Controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer |
This cmdlet retrieves the configuration of a load balancer resource from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerBackendAddressPool |
This cmdlet retrieves the back end address pool configuration associated with a load balancer. |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerConfiguration |
Retrieves the configuration of the load balancer from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration |
This cmdlet retrieves the front end IP configuration of a load balancer resource from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerInboundNatRule |
This cmdlet retrieves an inbound NAT rule associated with a load balancer resource. |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerMux |
This cmdlet retrieves the configuration of a load balancer VM managed by the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerOutboundNatRule |
Retrieves the outbound NAT rules associated with a load balancer resource |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerProbe |
This cmdlet retrieves the health probes associated with a load balancer resource |
Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancingRule |
This cmdlet retrieves a load balancing rule associated with a load balancer. |
Get-NetworkControllerLogicalNetwork |
Gets settings for a logical network in the Network Controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerLogicalSubnet |
Gets settings of a logical subnet in the Network Controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerMacPool |
This cmdlet retrieves the properties of a MAC pool from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface |
Retrieves the settings of a network interface from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerNetworkInterfaceIpConfiguration |
This cmdlet retrieves the IP configuration of a network interface from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerNode |
Gets the network controller node settings. |
Get-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress |
This cmdlet retrieves a public IP address resource from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerRoute |
This cmdlet retrieves a route from a particular route table in the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerRouteTable |
This cmdlet retrieves the settings of a route table from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerServer |
Gets configuration of a physical host from the Network Controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerServerInterface |
Gets settings of physical network interfaces from the Network Controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerServiceInsertion |
This cmdlet retrieves the properties of a service insertion resource from the Network Controller. |
Get-NetworkControllerState |
This cmdlet retrieves the provisioning state of NetworkControllerState resource. |
Get-NetworkControllerStatistics |
This cmdlet displays health and usage statistics of resources in Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway |
Gets the configuration of one or more virtual gateways. |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayBgpPeer |
Gets a BGP peer. |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayBgpRouter |
Gets a BGP router. |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayNetworkConnection |
Gets a virtual gateway network connection. |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayPolicyMap |
Gets a BGP routing policy map. |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork |
This cmdlet retrieves the settings of a virtual network from the Network Controller |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualNetworkConfiguration | |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualServer | |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualSubnet |
This cmdlet retrieves a virtual subnet belonging to a virtual network |
Get-NetworkControllerVirtualSwitchConfiguration |
This cmdlet retrieves the global settings of the virtual switch from the Network Controller |
Install-NetworkController |
Creates a network controller application on top of the network controller cluster. |
Install-NetworkControllerCluster |
Creates a Network Controller cluster. |
Invoke-NetworkControllerConnectivityCheck | |
Invoke-NetworkControllerState |
This cmdlet dumps the current configuration and state of Network Controller services on the local Network Controller nodes |
New-NetworkControllerAccessControlList |
This cmdlet creates a new access control list for allowing/denying traffic to/from a particular subnet or network interface |
New-NetworkControllerAccessControlListRule |
This cmdlet creates a new ACL rule to allow/deny traffic to/from a particular virtual subnet or network interface |
New-NetworkControllerCredential |
Adds or modifies a device credential in Network Controller. |
New-NetworkControllerFabricRoute |
Adds a route to a network subnet in the Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerGateway |
Creates a gateway virtual machine. |
New-NetworkControllerGatewayPool |
Creates a gateway pool. |
New-NetworkControllerIpPool |
This cmdlet adds a new IP address pool to an existing subnet in an existing network |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer |
This cmdlet adds/updates a load balancer resource. |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerBackendAddressPool |
This cmdlet adds/updates the configuration of a backend address pool resource associated with a load balancer. |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerConfiguration |
This cmdlet adds/updates the configuration of load balancer in Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration |
This cmdlet adds/updates the front end IP configuration of a load balancer resource. |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerInboundNatRule |
This cmdlet adds/updates an inbound NAT rule associated with a load balancer resource. |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerMux |
This cmdlet adds/updates the configuration of a load balancer VM managed by the Network Controller. |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerOutboundNatRule |
Creates/modifies outbound NAT rules associated with a load balancer resource. |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerProbe |
This cmdlet adds/updates the health probes associated with a load balancer. |
New-NetworkControllerLoadBalancingRule |
This cmdlet adds/updates a load balancing rule associated with a load balancer. |
New-NetworkControllerLogicalNetwork |
Adds or updates a logical network in Network Controller. |
New-NetworkControllerLogicalSubnet |
Adds or updates a logical subnet in the Network Controller. |
New-NetworkControllerMacPool |
This cmdlet creates a new MAC pool in the Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface |
This cmdlet adds a new network interface resource to the Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerNetworkInterfaceIpConfiguration |
This cmdlet adds/updates an IP configuration to a network interface in the Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerNodeObject |
Creates a network controller node object. |
New-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress |
This cmdlet adds/updates a public IP address resource in the Network Controller. |
New-NetworkControllerRoute |
This cmdlet adds a new route to the Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerRouteTable |
This cmdlet creates a new route table in the Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerServer |
Creates or Updates a server resource in the Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerServerInterface |
Creates or updates a physical network interface resource in the Network Controller. |
New-NetworkControllerServiceInsertion |
This cmdlet adds a new service insertion resource to the Network Controller |
New-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway |
Creates a virtual gateway. |
New-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayBgpPeer |
Creates a BGP peer. |
New-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayBgpRouter |
Creates a BGP router. |
New-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayNetworkConnection |
Creates a virtual gateway network connection. |
New-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayPolicyMap |
Creates a BGP routing policy map. |
New-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork |
Creates a new virtual network or updates an existing virtual network |
New-NetworkControllerVirtualServer |
Adds a new virtual server to the Network Controller. If already present, updates the properties of the virtual server |
New-NetworkControllerVirtualSubnet |
This cmdlet creates a new virtual subnet in a virtual network, or updates a virtual subnet in a virtual network |
Remove-NetworkControllerAccessControlList |
This cmdlet removes an access control list from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerAccessControlListRule |
Removes a rule from an access control list |
Remove-NetworkControllerCredential |
Deletes a specified device credential from the Network Controller. |
Remove-NetworkControllerFabricRoute |
Removes a network route from the Network Controller. |
Remove-NetworkControllerGateway |
Removes the gateway virtual machine configuration from a tenant. |
Remove-NetworkControllerGatewayPool |
Removes a gateway pool. |
Remove-NetworkControllerIpPool |
This cmdlet removes an IP pool from a network |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer |
This cmdlet removes a load balancer resource from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerBackendAddressPool |
This cmdlet removes a backend address pool from a load balancer resource |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerConfiguration |
This cmdlet removes load balancer configuration from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration |
This cmdlet removes a front end IP configuration resource from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerInboundNatRule |
This cmdlet removes an inbound NAT rule associated with a load balancer resource. |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerMux |
This cmdlet removes a load balancer MUX from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerOutboundNatRule |
This cmdlet removes an outbound NAT rule associated with a load balancer resource |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancerProbe |
This cmdlet removes a health probe rule associated with a load balancer resource |
Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancingRule |
This cmdlet removes a load balancing rule from a load balancer resource |
Remove-NetworkControllerLogicalNetwork |
Removes a logical network from the Network Controller. |
Remove-NetworkControllerLogicalSubnet |
Removes a logical subnet from the Network Controller. |
Remove-NetworkControllerMacPool |
This cmdlet removes a MAC pool from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface |
This cmdlet removes a network interface resource from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerNetworkInterfaceIpConfiguration |
This cmdlet removes an IP configuration resource pertaining to a network interface. |
Remove-NetworkControllerNode |
Removes a node from the network controller deployment. |
Remove-NetworkControllerPublicIpAddress |
This cmdlet removes a public IP address resource from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerRoute |
This cmdlet removes a route from a particular route table |
Remove-NetworkControllerRouteTable |
This cmdlet removes a route table from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerServer |
Removes a server resource from the Network Controller. |
Remove-NetworkControllerServerInterface |
Removes a network interface resource from the Network Controller. |
Remove-NetworkControllerServiceInsertion |
This cmdlet removes a service insertion resource from the Network Controller. |
Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway |
Removes a virtual gateway. |
Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayBgpPeer |
Removes a BGP peer. |
Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayBgpRouter |
Removes a BGP router. |
Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayNetworkConnection |
Removes a virtual gateway network connection. |
Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualGatewayPolicyMap |
Removes a BGP routing policy map. |
Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork |
This cmdlet removes a virtual network from the Network Controller |
Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualServer |
This cmdlet removes a virtual server resource from the Network Controller. |
Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualSubnet |
This cmdlet removes a virtual subnet from a virtual network |
Repair-NetworkControllerCluster |
Repairs the network controller to bring it out of quorum loss. |
Set-NetworkController |
Sets network controller application settings. |
Set-NetworkControllerCluster |
Sets a network controller cluster. |
Set-NetworkControllerDiagnostic |
Changes diagnostic settings for the Network Controller. |
Set-NetworkControllerNode |
Sets a node in a network controller cluster. |
Set-NetworkControllerVirtualNetworkConfiguration |
This cmdlet sets the global configuration for virtual networking in the Network Controller. |
Set-NetworkControllerVirtualSwitchConfiguration |
This cmdlet sets the global settings of the virtual switch from the Network Controller. |
Uninstall-NetworkController |
Removes the network controller application deployed on a network controller cluster. |
Uninstall-NetworkControllerCluster |
Uninstalls the network controller cluster. |
Update-NetworkController |
Updates the Network Controller binaries. |