
Get the current state of Microsoft-provided SharePoint site templates displayed or hidden in the site template gallery in your tenant.


   -Identity <object>


The Get-SPOBuiltInSiteTemplateSettings cmdlet displays the current state of Microsoft-provided SharePoint site templates displayed or hidden in the site template gallery in your tenant.


  • All site templates are displayed by default. Learn more about SharePoint site templates
  • You must have SharePoint admin credentials (or higher) to use SharePoint PowerShell.
  • The minimum SharePoint PowerShell version required is 16.0.21610.12000.
  • For permissions and the most current information about Windows PowerShell for SharePoint Online, see the online documentation at Intro to SharePoint Online Management Shell.


Check which Microsoft templates are hidden

This example checks what Microsoft-provided SharePoint site templates are currently hidden from the site template gallery.



If a site template has never been hidden, it will not show up in the list. If a site template has been hidden, then changed back to displayed (i.e. currently set to True), then it will show up in the list.