Configuration Manager Cmdlet Library changes for version 1810

Applies to: Configuration Manager (Current Branch)


Configuration Manager current branch version 1806 is the baseline for these changes. For more information, see Configuration Manager Cmdlet Library changes for version 1806.

Important changes

New cmdlets

The following cmdlets are added to create requirement rules for deployment types and global conditions:

  • New-CMGlobalConditionExpression
  • New-CMRegistryAccessControlEntry
  • New-CMRequirementRuleActiveDirectorySiteValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleBooleanValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleCMSiteValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleDeviceOwnershipValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleExistential
  • New-CMRequirementruleExpression
  • New-CMRequirementRuleFileAttributeValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleFilePermissionValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleFreeDiskSpaceValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleInputTypeValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleOperatingSystemLanguageValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleOperatingSystemValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleOUValue
  • New-CMRequirementRuleScreenResolutionValue

Supported cmdlets for Add and Set-CM*DeploymentType have added parameters for GroupDetectionClauses and DetectionClauseConnector.


Create a simple expression with a rule
$rule1 = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name "Total physical memory" | New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue -Value1 2048 -RuleOperator GreaterEquals
$myRuleExpression = New-CMRequirementRuleExpression -AddRequirementRule $rule1
$myGC = New-CMGlobalConditionExpression -Name "GCExp" -DeviceType Windows -RootExpression $myRuleExpression
Add a complex global condition expression
$ruleProc = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name "Number of processors" | New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue -Value1 2 -RuleOperator GreaterEquals
$ruleMem1 = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name "Total physical memory" | New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue -Value1 2048 -RuleOperator GreaterThan
$ruleMem2 = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name "Total physical memory" | New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue -Value1 4096 -RuleOperator LessEquals
$ruleCPUSpeed1 = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name "CPU Speed" | New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue -Value1 5120 -RuleOperator LessEquals
$ruleCPUSpeed2 = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name "CPU Speed" | New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue -Value1 1024 -RuleOperator GreaterThan
$expressionProc = New-CMRequirementRuleExpression -AddRequirementRule $ruleProc
$expressionMem = New-CMRequirementRuleExpression -AddRequirementRule $ruleMem1, $ruleMem2 -ClauseOperator And
$expressionCPU = New-CMRequirementRuleExpression -AddRequirementRule $ruleCPUSpeed1, $ruleCPUSpeed2 -ClauseOperator And
$myRuleExpression = New-CMRequirementRuleExpression -RootExpression $expressionProc -AddExpression $expressionMem,$expressionCPU -ClauseOperator And -AddAsGroup -GroupOperator Or
$myGC = New-CMGlobalConditionExpression -Name "GCExp" -DeviceType Windows -RootExpression $myRuleExpression
Add a language rule
$myGC = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name "Operating System Language" | Where-Object PlatformType -eq 1
$cultureA = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::AllCultures) | Where-Object Name -eq "zh"
$cultureB = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::AllCultures) | Where-Object Name -eq "zh-CN"
$myRule = $myGC | New-CMRequirementRuleOperatingSystemLanguageValue -RuleOperator NoneOf -Culture $cultureA,$cultureB -IsMobile $False
Set-CMScriptDeploymentType -ApplicationName "myApp" -DeploymentTypeName "myDT" -AddRequirement $myRule
Create a simple expression with a rule.
$clauseFile1 = New-CMDetectionClauseFile -FileName "abc" -Path "c:\abc" -PropertyType Size -ExpectedValue 1024 -ExpressionOperator IsEquals -Value
$clauseFile2 = New-CMDetectionClauseFile -FileName "abc" -Path "c:\abc" -PropertyType Size -ExpectedValue 2048 -ExpressionOperator IsEquals -Value
$clauseFile3 = New-CMDetectionClauseFile -FileName "abc" -Path "c:\abc" -PropertyType Size -ExpectedValue 4096 -ExpressionOperator IsEquals -Value

Set-CMScriptDeploymentType -ApplicationName "testApp1" -DeploymentTypeName "abc" -AddDetectionClause $clauseFile1,$clauseFile2,$clauseFile3 -DetectionClauseConnector @{"LogicalName"=$clauseFile3.Setting.LogicalName;"Connector"="OR"} -GroupDetectionClauses $clauseFile2.Setting.LogicalName, $clauseFile3.Setting.LogicalName

Removed cmdlets


Deprecated cmdlets


Known issues

The following items are known issues with the Cmdlet Library that aren't resolved in this version.

Get-CMAadConditionalAccessPolicy and Set-CMAadConditionalAccessPolicy

These cmdlets require a 64-bit PowerShell environment.


  • None


Cmdlet may fail with a DirectoryNotFoundException error locating the file SecuredRoles.xsd.


  • Call Import-Module against the ConfigurationManager.psd1 file, and not the logical path or module name.


Changes to Schedule may not be shown in the Configuration Manager console even though the underlying SMS Provider object has been changed.


  • Quit and relaunch the Configuration Manager console.

Resource tracking and recovery (beta)

This version adds new cmdlets to support tracking SMS Provider objects used by the PowerShell runtime, and to clean up these resources when they're no longer needed.

  • Disconnect-CMTrackedObject
  • Start-CMObjectTracking
  • Stop-CMObjectTracking

When you run Start-CMObjectTracking, the PowerShell runtime tracks IResultObject objects created by Cmdlet Library cmdlets. For cmdlets that aren't manually cleaned up with .Dispose(), reclaim them by using Disconnect-CMTrackedObject against an individual object.


# Reclaim a single tracked object
$o | Disconnect-CMTrackedObject

# Reclaim all tracked objects
Disconnect-CMTrackedObject -All

Once an object is reclaimed, it can no longer be reused or passed to another cmdlet through the object pipeline.

Stop-CMObjectTracking can be used to turn off object tracking. Previously allocated objects remain active.

Unclaimed resources can cause the SMS Provider to raise quota violation errors. These quota issues typically manifest from working with large sets of SMS Provider objects or in long-running environments.


This feature is experimental and may be subject to change or removal in a future release. It's opt-in and isn't enabled by default.

Cmdlet changes

The following changes have been made to existing cmdlets in this version. Changes may be new functionality, bug fixes, or deprecation. Some changes may be breaking. If you use one of the cmdlets or feature areas listed in this section, carefully review the changes to understand how they may affect your use.


Non-breaking changes

  • New EnableLedbat parameter to enable LEDBAT for a distribution point


Bugs that were fixed

  • Can't set CompanyLogoPath or CompanyLogoThemedPath to artwork larger than 400x100 and 750 KB


Bugs that were fixed

  • If EnableCloudGateway is $true, can set CommunicationType to unsupported value of Http


Bugs that were fixed

  • Cmdlet doesn't clear PXE deployments


Bugs that were fixed

  • Cmdlet may not return expected properties for a device


Non-breaking changes

  • Cmdlet now returns client upgrade and usage data settings


Bugs that were fixed

  • Cmdlet allows a user collection to be specified as a deployment target


Non-breaking changes

  • ExpectedValue parameter now allows for negative numbers


Bugs that were fixed

  • PostponeDateTime parameter not available in all parameter sets


Bugs that were fixed

  • Can't use $false with DetectSlowLinkDisabled parameter
  • Some parameters can't be set when DetectSlowLink is $true


Non-breaking changes

  • Can now use 'Fast' with EapType parameter
  • New RememberUserCredentials parameter can be used to set or clear credentials.


  • RememberCredentials parameter has been superseded by RememberUserCredentials


Non-breaking changes

  • ExpectedValue parameter now allows for negative numbers


Non-breaking changes

  • New EnableLedbat parameter to configure LEDBAT for a distribution point


Non-breaking changes

  • New TelemetryLevel parameter for configuring usage data settings


Bugs that were fixed

  • Can't set CompanyLogoPath or CompanyLogoThemedPath to artwork larger than 400x100 and 750KB


Bugs that were fixed

  • If EnableCloudGateway is $true, can set CommunicationType to unsupported value of Http


Bugs that were fixed

  • AddDetectionClause parameter clears previously existing MSI product code detection clause
  • AddRequirement parameter may fail with "SQL_ERROR"

Non-breaking changes

  • New GroupDetectionClauses and DetectionClauseConnector parameters for grouping detection clauses


Non-breaking changes

  • Added new parameters to configure feature and non-feature supersedence
  • New ImmediatelyExpireSupersedenceForFeature parameter to immediately expire superseded updates
  • New WaitForMonthFeature parameter to configure how long to expire superseded updates


Bugs that were fixed

  • UserName parameter doesn't support %VARIABLE% format


Non-breaking changes

  • Cmdlet now warns when AddConfigFile is used and ModeOption is Standard


Non-breaking changes

  • Cmdlet now warns when SlowLink and SyncMins parameter are used when EnableSlowLink is $false


Non-breaking changes

  • Can now use 'Fast' with EapType parameter
  • New RememberUserCredentials parameter can be used to set or clear credentials.


  • RememberCredentials parameter has been superseded by RememberUserCredentials


Bugs that were fixed

  • Cmdlet allows a user collection to be specified as a deployment target