The ISEFile Object

An ISEFile object represents a file in Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). It is an instance of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEFile class. This topic lists its member methods and member properties. The $psISE.CurrentFile and the files in the Files collection in a PowerShell tab are all instances of the **Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEFile class.


Save( [saveEncoding] )

Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Saves the file to disk.

[saveEncoding] - optional System.Text.Encoding An optional character encoding parameter to be used for the saved file. The default value is UTF8.


  • System.IO.IOException: The file could not be saved.
# Save the file using the default encoding (UTF8)

# Save the file as ASCII.

# Gets the current encoding.
$myfile = $psISE.CurrentFile

SaveAs(filename, [saveEncoding])

Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

Saves the file with the specified file name and encoding.

filename - String The name to be used to save the file.

[saveEncoding] - optional System.Text.Encoding An optional character encoding parameter to be used for the saved file. The default value is UTF8.


  • System.ArgumentNullException: The filename parameter is null.
  • System.ArgumentException: The filename parameter is empty.
  • System.IO.IOException: The file could not be saved.
# Save the file with a full path and name.
$fullpath = "c:\temp\newname.txt"
# Save the file with a full path and name and explicitly as UTF8.
$psISE.CurrentFile.SaveAs($fullPath, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)



Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read-only property that gets the string that contains the display name of this file. The name is shown on the File tab at the top of the editor. The presence of an asterisk (*) at the end of the name indicates that the file has changes that have not been saved.

# Shows the display name of the file.


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read-only property that gets the editor object that is used for the specified file.

# Gets the editor and the text.


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read-only property that gets the original file encoding. This is a System.Text.Encoding object.

# Shows the encoding for the file.


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read-only property that gets the string that specifies the full path of the opened file.

# Shows the full path for the file.


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read-only Boolean property that returns $true if the file has been saved after it was last modified.

# Determines whether the file has been saved since it was last modified.
$myfile = $psISE.CurrentFile


Supported in Windows PowerShell ISE 2.0 and later.

The read-only property that returns $true if the file has never been given a title.

# Determines whether the file has never been given a title.

See Also