ICanvasGradient |
CanvasGradient |
ICanvasImageData |
CanvasImageData |
ICanvasPattern |
CanvasPattern |
ICanvasPixelArray |
CanvasPixelArray |
ICanvasTextMetrics |
CanvasTextMetrics |
ICSSFilter |
No matching object |
ICSSFilterSite |
No matching object |
ICustomDoc |
No matching object |
IDisplayPointer |
No matching object |
IDisplayServices |
No matching object |
IDocHostShowUI |
No matching object |
IDocHostUIHandler |
No matching object |
IDocHostUIHandler2 |
No matching object |
IDocumentEvent |
No matching object |
IDocumentRange |
No matching object |
IDocumentSelector |
No matching object |
IDocumentTraversal |
No matching object |
IDOMBeforeUnloadEvent |
BeforeUnloadEvent |
IDOMCompositionEvent |
CompositionEvent |
IDOMCustomEvent |
CustomEvent |
IDOMDocumentType |
documentType |
IDOMDragEvent |
DragEvent |
IDOMEvent |
Event |
IDOMException |
DOMException |
IDOMFocusEvent |
FocusEvent |
IDOMKeyboardEvent |
KeyboardEvent |
IDOMMessageEvent |
MessageEvent |
IDOMMouseEvent |
MouseEvent |
IDOMMouseWheelEvent |
MouseWheelEvent |
IDOMMutationEvent |
MutationEvent |
IDOMNodeIterator |
NodeIterator |
IDOMParser |
DOMParser |
IDOMParserFactory |
No matching object |
IDOMProcessingInstruction |
ProcessingInstruction |
IDOMSiteModeEvent |
MSSiteModeEvent |
IDOMStorageEvent |
StorageEvent |
IDOMTextEvent |
TextEvent |
IDOMTreeWalker |
TreeWalker |
UIEvent |
IDOMWheelEvent |
WheelEvent |
IDOMXmlSerializer |
XMLSerializer |
IDOMXmlSerializerFactory |
No matching object |
IElementBehavior |
No matching object |
IElementBehaviorCategory |
No matching object |
IElementBehaviorFactory |
No matching object |
IElementBehaviorFocus |
No matching object |
IElementBehaviorRender |
No matching object |
IElementBehaviorSite |
No matching object |
IElementBehaviorSiteCategory |
No matching object |
IElementBehaviorSiteOM |
No matching object |
IElementBehaviorSubmit |
No matching object |
IElementNamespace |
No matching object |
IElementNamespaceFactory |
No matching object |
IElementNamespaceFactoryCallback |
No matching object |
IElementNamespaceTable |
No matching object |
IElementSegment |
No matching object |
IElementSelector |
No matching object |
IElementTraversal |
No matching object |
IEnumPrivacyRecords |
No matching object |
IHighlightRenderingServices |
No matching object |
IHighlightSegment |
No matching object |
IHostDialogHelper |
No matching object |
IHTCAttachBehavior |
No matching object |
IHTCAttachBehavior2 |
No matching object |
IHTCDefaultDispatch |
No matching object |
IHTCDescBehavior |
No matching object |
IHTCEventBehavior |
No matching object |
IHTCMethodBehavior |
No matching object |
IHTCPropertyBehavior |
No matching object |
IHTMLAnchorElement |
a |
IHTMLAnchorElement2 |
a |
IHTMLAnchorElement3 |
a |
IHTMLAppBehavior |
No matching object |
IHTMLAppBehavior2 |
No matching object |
IHTMLAppBehavior3 |
No matching object |
IHTMLAreasCollection4 |
No matching object |
IHTMLAudioElement |
audio |
IHTMLAreaElement |
area |
IHTMLAreasCollection |
areas |
IHTMLAreasCollection2 |
areas |
IHTMLAreasCollection3 |
areas |
IHTMLAttributeCollection |
attributes |
IHTMLAttributeCollection2 |
attributes |
IHTMLAttributeCollection3 |
attributes |
IHTMLAttributeCollection4 |
attributes |
IBlockFormats |
No matching object |
IFontNames |
No matching object |
IHTMLBaseElement |
base |
IHTMLBaseFontElement |
baseFont |
IHTMLBGsound |
bgSound |
IHTMLBlockElement |
No matching object |
IHTMLBlockElement2 |
No matching object |
IHTMLBlockElement3 |
No matching object |
IHTMLBodyElement |
body |
IHTMLBodyElement2 |
body |
IHTMLBodyElement3 |
body |
IHTMLBookmarkCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLBRElement |
br |
IHTMLButtonElement |
button |
IHTMLButtonElement2 |
button |
IHTMLCanvasElement |
canvas |
IHTMLCaret |
No matching object |
IHTMLChangeLog |
No matching object |
IHTMLChangePlayback |
No matching object |
IHTMLChangeSink |
No matching object |
IHTMLCommentElement |
comment |
IHTMLCommentElement2 |
comment |
IHTMLCommentElement3 |
comment |
IHTMLComputedStyle |
No matching object |
IHTMLControlElement |
No matching object |
IHTMLControlRange |
No matching object |
IHTMLControlRange2 |
No matching object |
IHTMLCSSImportRule |
No matching object |
No matching object |
No matching object |
IHTMLCSSNamespaceRule |
No matching object |
No matching object |
IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration |
No matching object |
IHTMLCurrentStyle |
currentStyle |
IHTMLCurrentStyle2 |
currentStyle |
IHTMLCurrentStyle3 |
currentStyle |
IHTMLCurrentStyle4 |
currentStyle |
IHTMLCurrentStyle5 |
currentStyle |
IHTMLDatabinding |
No matching object |
IHTMLDataTransfer |
No matching object |
IHTMLDDElement |
dd |
IHTMLDialog |
window |
IHTMLDialog2 |
window |
IHTMLDialog3 |
window |
IHTMLDivElement |
div |
IHTMLDivPosition |
No matching object |
IHTMLDListElement |
dl |
IHtmlDlgSafeHelper |
HtmlDlgSafeHelper |
IHTMLDocument |
document |
IHTMLDocument2 |
document |
IHTMLDocument3 |
document |
IHTMLDocument4 |
document |
IHTMLDocument5 |
document |
IHTMLDocument6 |
document |
IHTMLDocument7 |
document |
IHTMLDocumentCompatibleInfo |
DocumentCompatibleInfo |
IHTMLDocumentCompatibleInfoCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLDOMAttribute |
attribute |
IHTMLDOMAttribute2 |
attribute |
IHTMLDOMAttribute3 |
attribute |
IHTMLDOMAttribute4 |
attribute |
IHTMLDOMChildrenCollection |
body |
IHTMLDOMChildrenCollection2 |
No matching object |
IHTMLDOMConstructor |
No matching object |
IHTMLDOMConstructorCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLDOMImplementation |
implementation |
IHTMLDOMImplementation2 |
implementation |
document |
document |
document |
TextNode |
TextNode |
TextNode |
IHTMLDTElement |
dt |
IHTMLEditDesigner |
No matching object |
IHTMLEditHost |
No matching object |
IHTMLEditHost2 |
No matching object |
IHTMLEditServices |
No matching object |
IHTMLEditServices2 |
No matching object |
IHTMLElement |
All element objects |
IHTMLElement2 |
All element objects |
IHTMLElement3 |
All element objects |
IHTMLElement4 |
All element objects |
IHTMLElement5 |
All element objects |
IHTMLElement6 |
All element objects |
IHTMLElementAppliedStyles |
IHTMLElementCollection |
elements |
IHTMLElementCollection2 |
elements |
IHTMLElementCollection3 |
elements |
IHTMLElementCollection4 |
elements |
IHTMLElementDefaults |
defaults |
IHTMLElementRender |
No matching object |
IHTMLEmbedElement |
embed |
IHTMLEmbedElement2 |
embed |
IHTMLEventObj |
event |
IHTMLEventObj2 |
event |
IHTMLEventObj3 |
event |
IHTMLEventObj4 |
event |
IHTMLEventObj5 |
event |
IHTMLEventObj6 |
event |
IHTMLFieldSetElement |
fieldSet |
IHTMLFieldSetElement2 |
fieldSet |
IHTMLFiltersCollection |
filters |
IHTMLFontElement |
font |
IHTMLFontNamesCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLFontSizesCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLFormElement |
form |
IHTMLFormElement2 |
form |
IHTMLFormElement3 |
form |
IHTMLFormElement4 |
form |
IHTMLFrameBase |
No matching object |
IHTMLFrameBase2 |
No matching object |
IHTMLFrameBase3 |
No matching object |
IHTMLFrameElement |
frame |
IHTMLFrameElement2 |
frame |
IHTMLFrameElement3 |
frame |
IHTMLFramesCollection2 |
frames |
IHTMLFrameSetElement |
frameSet |
IHTMLFrameSetElement2 |
frameSet |
IHTMLFrameSetElement3 |
frameSet |
IHTMLGenericElement |
xml |
IHTMLHeadElement |
head |
IHTMLHeadElement2 |
head |
IHTMLHeaderElement |
H1 through H6 |
IHTMLHRElement |
hr |
IHTMLHtmlElement |
html |
IHTMLIFrameElement |
iframe |
IHTMLIFrameElement2 |
iframe |
IHTMLIFrameElement3 |
iframe |
IHTMLImageElementFactory |
Image |
IHTMLImgElement |
Common properties of img, input, input type=image |
IHTMLImgElement2 |
Common properties of img, input, input type=image |
IHTMLImgElement3 |
Common properties of img, input, input type=image |
IHTMLInputButtonElement |
input, input type=reset, input type=submit |
IHTMLInputElement |
input, input type=checkbox, input type=file, input type=hidden, input type=image, input type=password, input type=radio, input type=reset, input type=submit, input type=text |
IHTMLInputElement2 |
input, input type=file |
IHTMLInputElement3 |
input, input type=file |
IHTMLInputFileElement |
input, input type=file |
IHTMLInputHiddenElement |
input, input type=hidden |
IHTMLInputImage |
input, input type=image |
IHTMLInputTextElement |
input, input type=password, input type=text |
IHTMLInputTextElement2 |
input, input type=password, input type=text |
IHTMLIPrintCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLIsIndexElement2 |
isIndex |
IHTMLLabelElement |
label |
IHTMLLabelElement2 |
label |
IHTMLLegendElement |
legend |
IHTMLLegendElement2 |
legend |
IHTMLLIElement |
li |
IHTMLLinkElement |
link |
IHTMLLinkElement2 |
link |
IHTMLLinkElement3 |
link |
IHTMLLinkElement4 |
link |
IHTMLLinkElement5 |
link |
IHTMLListElement |
menu |
IHTMLListElement2 |
menu |
IHTMLLocation |
location |
IHTMLMapElement |
map |
IHTMLMarqueeElement |
marquee |
IHTMLMediaElement |
media |
IHTMLMediaError |
MediaError |
IHTMLMetaElement |
meta |
IHTMLMetaElement2 |
meta |
IHTMLMetaElement3 |
meta |
IHTMLMimeTypesCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLModelessInit |
window |
IHTMLNamespace |
namespace |
IHTMLNamespaceCollection |
namespaces |
IHTMLNextIdElement |
nextID |
IHTMLNoShowElement |
noFrames, noScript |
IHTMLObjectElement |
object |
IHTMLObjectElement2 |
object |
IHTMLObjectElement3 |
object |
IHTMLObjectElement4 |
object |
IHTMLOListElement |
ol |
IHTMLOpsProfile |
userProfile |
IHTMLOptionButtonElement |
input, input type=checkbox, input type=radio |
IHTMLOptionElement |
option |
IHTMLOptionElement3 |
option |
IHTMLOptionElementFactory |
Option |
IHTMLOptionsHolder |
No matching object |
IHTMLPainter |
No matching object |
IHTMLPainterEventInfo |
No matching object |
IHTMLPainterOverlay |
No matching object |
IHTMLPaintSite |
No matching object |
IHTMLParaElement |
p |
IHTMLParamElement2 |
p |
IHTMLPerformance |
window.performance |
IHTMLPerformanceNavigation |
performanceNavigation |
IHTMLPerformanceTiming |
performanceTiming |
IHTMLPhraseElement |
abbr, acronym, b, bdo, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, i, ins, kbd, noBR, q, rt, ruby, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, u, var, wbr |
IHTMLPhraseElement2 |
Same as above |
IHTMLPhraseElement3 |
Same as above |
IHTMLPluginsCollection |
embed |
IHTMLPopup |
popup |
TextRectangle |
IHTMLRect2 |
TextRectangle |
IHTMLRectCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLRenderStyle |
No matching object |
IHTMLRuleStyle |
style |
IHTMLRuleStyle2 |
style |
IHTMLRuleStyle3 |
style |
IHTMLRuleStyle4 |
style |
IHTMLRuleStyle5 |
style |
IHTMLRuleStyle6 |
style |
IHTMLScreen |
screen |
IHTMLScreen2 |
screen |
IHTMLScreen3 |
screen |
IHTMLScreen4 |
screen |
IHTMLScriptElement |
script |
IHTMLScriptElement2 |
script |
IHTMLScriptElement3 |
script |
IHTMLSelectElement |
select |
IHTMLSelectElement2 |
select |
IHTMLSelectElement4 |
select |
IHTMLSelectElement5 |
select |
IHTMLSelectElement6 |
select |
IHTMLSelectElementEx |
select |
IHTMLSelection |
No matching object |
IHTMLSelectionObject |
selection |
IHTMLSelectionObject2 |
selection |
IHTMLSourceElement |
source |
IHTMLSpanElement |
span |
IHTMLSpanFlow |
No matching object |
IHTMLStorage |
Storage |
IHTMLStyle |
style |
IHTMLStyle2 |
style |
IHTMLStyle3 |
style |
IHTMLStyle4 |
style |
IHTMLStyle5 |
style |
IHTMLStyle6 |
style |
IHTMLStyleElement |
style |
IHTMLStyleElement2 |
style |
IHTMLStyleEnabled |
No matching element |
IHTMLStyleFontFace |
No matching element |
IHTMLStyleFontFace2 |
No matching element |
IHTMLStyleSheet |
styleSheet |
IHTMLStyleSheet2 |
styleSheet |
IHTMLStyleSheet3 |
styleSheet |
IHTMLStyleSheet4 |
styleSheet |
IHTMLStyleSheetPage |
page |
IHTMLStyleSheetPage2 |
page |
IHTMLStyleSheetPagesCollection |
pages |
IHTMLStyleSheetRule |
styleSheet |
IHTMLStyleSheetRule2 |
styleSheet |
IHTMLStyleSheetRuleApplied |
No matching element |
IHTMLStyleSheetRulesAppliedCollection |
No matching element |
IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection |
styleSheets |
IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection2 |
styleSheets |
IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection |
styleSheets |
IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection2 |
styleSheets |
IHTMLSubmitData |
No matching object |
IHTMLTable |
table |
IHTMLTable2 |
table |
IHTMLTable3 |
table |
IHTMLTable4 |
table |
IHTMLTableCaption |
caption |
IHTMLTableCell |
td, th |
IHTMLTableCell2 |
td, th |
IHTMLTableCell3 |
td, th |
IHTMLTableCol |
col, colGroup |
IHTMLTableCol2 |
col, colGroup |
IHTMLTableCol3 |
col, colGroup |
IHTMLTableRow |
tr |
IHTMLTableRow2 |
tr |
IHTMLTableRow3 |
tr |
IHTMLTableRow4 |
tr |
IHTMLTableRowMetrics |
tr |
IHTMLTableSection |
tBody, tHead, tFoot |
IHTMLTableSection2 |
tBody, tHead, tFoot |
IHTMLTableSection3 |
tBody, tHead, tFoot |
IHTMLTextAreaElement |
textArea |
IHTMLTextAreaElement2 |
textArea |
IHTMLTextContainer |
No matching object |
IHTMLTextElement |
TextNode |
IHTMLTextRangeMetrics |
TextRange |
IHTMLTextRangeMetrics2 |
TextRange |
IHTMLTimeRanges |
TimeRanges |
IHTMLTitleElement |
IHTMLTxtRange |
TextRange |
IHTMLTxtRangeCollection |
TextRange |
IHTMLUListElement |
ul |
IHTMLUnknownElement |
No matching object |
IHTMLUniqueName |
ul |
IHTMLUrnCollection |
No matching object |
IHTMLVideoElement |
video |
IHTMLWindow2 |
window |
IHTMLWindow3 |
window |
IHTMLWindow4 |
window |
IHTMLWindow5 |
window |
IHTMLWindow6 |
window |
IHTMLWindow7 |
window |
IHTMLXDomainRequest |
XDomainRequest |
IHTMLXDomainRequestFactory |
window.XDomainRequest |
IHTMLXMLHttpRequest |
XMLHttpRequest |
IHTMLXMLHttpRequest2 |
XMLHttpRequest |
IHTMLXMLHttpRequestFactory |
window.XMLHttpRequest |
IIE70DispatchEx |
No matching object |
IIE80DispatchEx |
No matching object |
IIMEServices |
No matching object |
ILineInfo |
No matching object |
IMarkupContainer |
No matching object |
IMarkupContainer2 |
No matching object |
IMarkupPointer |
No matching object |
IMarkupPointer2 |
No matching object |
IMarkupServices |
No matching object |
IMarkupServices2 |
No matching object |
IMarkupTextFrags |
No matching object |
IOmHistory |
history |
IOmNavigator |
navigator |
IRangeException |
RangeException |
IRulesApplied |
No matching object |
IRulesAppliedCollection |
No matching object |
ISecureUrlHost |
No matching object |
ISegment |
No matching object |
ISegmentList |
No matching object |
ISegmentListIterator |
No matching object |
ISelectionServices |
No matching object |
ISelectionServicesListener |
No matching object |
ISequenceNumber |
No matching object |
ISurfacePresenter |
No matching object |
ISVGAElement |
a |
ISVGAngle |
SVGAngle |
ISVGAnimatedBoolean |
SVGAnimatedBoolean |
ISVGAnimatedEnumeration |
SVGAnimatedEnumeration |
ISVGAnimatedInteger |
SVGAnimatedInteger |
ISVGAnimatedLength |
SVGAnimatedLength |
ISVGAnimatedLengthList |
SVGAnimatedLengthList |
ISVGAnimatedNumber |
SVGAnimatedNumber |
ISVGAnimatedNumberList |
SVGAnimatedNumberList |
ISVGAnimatedPathData |
Data Path Properties |
ISVGAnimatedPoints |
No matching object |
ISVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio |
SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio |
ISVGAnimatedRect |
SVGAnimatedRect |
ISVGAnimatedString |
SVGAnimatedString |
ISVGAnimatedTransformList |
SVGAnimatedTransformList |
ISVGCircleElement |
circle |
ISVGClipPathElement |
clipPath |
ISVGDefsElement |
defs |
ISVGDescElement |
desc |
ISVGDocument |
document |
ISVGElement |
SVGElement |
ISVGElementInstance |
SVGElementInstance |
ISVGElementInstanceList |
SVGElementInstanceList |
ISVGEllipseElement |
ellipse |
ISVGException |
SVGException |
ISVGExternalResourcesRequired |
No matching object |
ISVGFitToViewBox |
No matching object |
ISVGGElement |
g |
ISVGGradientElement |
gradient |
ISVGImageElement |
image |
ISVGLangSpace |
No matching object |
ISVGLength |
SVGLength |
ISVGLengthList |
SVGLengthList |
ISVGLinearGradientElement |
linearGradient |
ISVGLineElement |
line |
ISVGMarkerElement |
marker |
ISVGMaskElement |
mask |
ISVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
ISVGMetadataElement |
metadata |
ISVGNumber |
SVGNumber |
ISVGNumberList |
SVGNumberList |
ISVGPaint |
No matching object |
ISVGPathElement |
path |
ISVGPathSeg |
SVGPathSeg |
ISVGPathSegArcAbs |
SVGPathSegArcAbs |
ISVGPathSegArcRel |
SVGPathSegArcRel |
ISVGPathSegClosePath |
SVGPathSegClosePath |
ISVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs |
ISVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel |
ISVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs |
ISVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel |
ISVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs |
ISVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel |
ISVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs |
ISVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel |
ISVGPathSegLinetoAbs |
SVGPathSegLinetoAbs |
ISVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs |
SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs |
ISVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel |
SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel |
ISVGPathSegLinetoRel |
SVGPathSegLinetoRel |
ISVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs |
SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs |
ISVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel |
SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel |
ISVGPathSegList |
SVGPathSegList |
ISVGPathSegMovetoAbs |
SVGPathSegMovetoAbs |
ISVGPathSegMovetoRel |
SVGPathSegMovetoRel |
ISVGPatternElement |
pattern |
ISVGPoint |
SVGPoint |
ISVGPointList |
SVGPointList |
ISVGPolygonElement |
polygon |
ISVGPolylineElement |
polyline |
ISVGPreserveAspectRatio |
SVGPreserveAspectRatio |
ISVGRadialGradientElement |
radialGradient |
ISVGRectElement |
rect |
ISVGScriptElement |
script |
ISVGStopElement |
stop |
ISVGStringList |
SVGStringList |
ISVGStylable |
No matching object |
ISVGStyleElement |
style |
ISVGSVGElement |
svg |
ISVGSwitchElement |
switch |
ISVGSymbolElement |
symbol |
ISVGTests |
No matching object |
ISVGTextContentElement |
textContent |
ISVGTextElement |
text |
ISVGTextPathElement |
textPath |
ISVGTextPositioningElement |
textPositioning |
ISVGTitleElement |
title |
ISVGTransform |
SVGTransform |
ISVGTransformable |
No matching object |
ISVGTransformList |
SVGTransformList |
ISVGTSpanElement |
tSpan |
ISVGURIReference |
No matching object |
ISVGUseElement |
use |
ISVGViewElement |
view |
ISVGViewSpec |
No matching object |
ISVGZoomAndPan |
No matching object |
ISVGZoomEvent |
No matching object |
IViewObjectPresentSite |
No matching object |
IWBScriptControl |
No matching object |
IWebBridge |
No matching object |
IXMLGenericParse |
No matching object |