Object Pipelines
Updated: August 9, 2012
Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0, Windows PowerShell 3.0
One major advantage of using objects is that it makes it much easier to pipeline commands, that is, to pass the output of one command to another command as input. In a traditional command-line environment, you would have to manipulate text to convert output from one format to another and to remove titles and column headings.
Windows PowerShell provides a new architecture that is based on objects, rather than text. The cmdlet that receives an object can act directly on its properties and methods without any conversion or manipulation. Users can refer to properties and methods of the object by name, rather than calculating the position of the data in the output.
In the following example, the result of an IpConfig command is passed to a Findstr command. The pipeline operator (|) sends the result of the command on its left to the command on its right. In Windows PowerShell®, you do not need to manipulate strings or calculate data offsets.
PS> ipconfig | findstr "Address"
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :