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Performing a Clean DCS SP1 Installation

To complete the installation, you must be an Active Directory user who has Web Service logon credentials. DCS uses Active Directory to verify user credentials.

To perform a clean DCS installation

  1. Insert the DCS Installation media, and then locate the appropriate Setup.exe file for your system (the media includes both 32 bit and 64 bit versions).

  2. Click Setup.exe to start the setup process. The DCS Installation Wizard welcome page appears.

  3. Dd632811.373bfef6-92b8-4470-81bf-7078f4fd35aa(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  4. DCS Installation Wizard welcome page

  5. Note

    The Setup program examines your system to verify that it meets DCS requirements. If your system does not meet the requirements, the installation process will terminate. Resolve the problem, and then restart the Setup program.

  6. Click Next to continue to the End User License Agreement page.

  7. Dd632811.ff9c3d20-bd21-4846-8927-16a427672ae0(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  8. DCS End User License Agreement

  9. You must accept the license agreement to continue with the installation. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next. The Setup Installation Path and Disk Space Information page appears.

  10. Dd632811.eca04a7d-2464-4c04-bf3e-3b24793d52f0(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  11. Setup Installation Path and Disk Space Information page

  12. By default, DCS is installed in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft CIS\ folder. If you want to install it in a different location, click the Browse button and then select the new installation path. If you use the Browse function, click OK to return to the Setup Installation Path and Disk Space Information page.

  13. Click Next. The Custom Setup page appears.

  14. Dd632811.e0bc43a1-85e9-4ecc-9034-9f3f4a6df819(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  15. Custom Setup page

  16. The Custom Setup page displays the following list of DCS services and components. By default, all items except the client database portion of the client are installed. To change the installation options for a component, click the plus sign (+) next to the component name. To install or remove a component from the installation, click the icon next to the component name and then select the appropriate action from the drop-down list.

    • Discovery Service – allows DCS to discover service endpoints that match the supplied contract and scope.
    • Policy Store – allows DCS to configure dynamic and central services and the capabilities of each service instance.
    • Security Token Service – allows DCS services to use authentication and authorization.
    • Business Log Database – allows DCS to store request and response messages.
    • Management Service – uses an MMC plug-in to provide an administration environment for DCS. The MMC plug-in uses a Web-based administrative interface to DCS databases.
    • Application Management Service – facilitates easy deployment of custom services by providing a virtual directory and configuration files.
    • Management Console –allows services to be configured and deployed.
    • Client Component – deploys the client software development kit (SDK). This feature has two components: the SDK itself and a client database. By default, the Setup program installs the SDK only. To install the client database, click the plus sign (+) to expand the feature list, and then select the database.
  17. Note

    (1) To use the client database, you must install Microsoft SQL Compact Edition. The client database feature deploys the CacheDatabase.sdf file in the installation path directory. This file contains the DCSCache table. This table is a reference schema for storing cache data on the client side.
    (2) You use the same DCS installer to install all DCS core components. Therefore, if your environment has multiple computers that have different configuration requirements, you must run the Setup program multiple times, choosing the appropriate custom options for each target computer.
    (3) If the computer is running Windows Server 2008 and user account control (UAC) is enabled, you might be unable to access the Program Files folder. Therefore, we recommend that you install the client components (including the cache database) in a location other than the Program Files folder. The folder should have read/write permission for the user who will use the client application. You can install the DCS runtime and the DCS Developer Toolkit in the default installation path (C:\Program Files...).

  18. Select the components and services that you want to install:

    • To accept the defaults, go to step 8.

    • If you want to install only one component, for example if you want to install the Discovery Service on a single server, select Installed on First Use from the drop-down list, and then for all other services on the list, select X from the drop-down list.

    • If you want to add service capacity to an existing DCS service, add a new DCS server and then configure it to use the existing data source. To do this, run the DCS Setup program on the new server. On the Custom Setup page, find the service that you want to install and then click the plus sign (+) next to the service name. The component and corresponding database name appear. Click the icon next to the database name, and then select Not Available (X) from the drop-down list. This removes the database from the list of installed service options. The following figure shows the Custom Setup page configured to install the Discovery Service without installing the Discovery Service database.

  19. Dd632811.053b18bb-7bbb-4d31-a7d4-6836b1f228c5(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  20. Custom Setup for additional capacity –Discovery Service configured to use an existing database

  21. The DCS Installation Wiza prompts you for the location of the existing database later in the installation process.

  22. Click Next. The DCS Discovery Service User Account Configuration page appears.

  23. Dd632811.16d58fe5-e0e7-48e9-b73f-9ffca20ad4be(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  24. DCS Discovery Service User Account Configuration page

  25. In the Windows User Name and Password boxes, type the user name and password for the DCS Discovery Service, or click the user selection button (Dd632811.69eabc95-10b3-476b-a668-e5344adc2d93(en-us,TechNet.10).png) to select the user from a list.

  26. Note

    Note: The Windows User Name box lets you enter 20 characters, maximum. This limitation is to ensure compatibility with earlier versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

  27. Click Next. The Discovery Database Web Service Configuration page appears. See the following image for an example.

  28. Dd632811.0556405a-783f-49bb-89ca-e80d63c51b3b(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  29. DCS Discovery Service Configuration page

  30. Click Next. The Discovery Database page appears.

  31. Dd632811.23e081c8-da2d-4e52-8a5e-700325622cf5(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  32. Discovery Database page

  33. In the SQL Server Instance Name box, type the name of the SQL Server instance, or click the Browse button to select the database server from a list. If you use the Browse function, click OK to return to the Discovery Database page.

  34. Note

     Browse function works only if computer from which database was installed uses Server Management Objects ().

  35. Dd632811.2e9a92a2-be85-42c9-b1aa-a4152f3398e9(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  36. List of servers

  37. Click Next. The Policy Database page appears.

  38. Dd632811.3decf96c-5c55-48b5-9325-ac8c0a0a7351(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  39. Policy Database page

  40. Type the location of the policy database server, or click the Browse button to select the server location from a list. If you use the Browse function, click OK to return to the Policy Database page.

  41. Note

    Note: The Browse function works only if the computer from which the database was installed uses SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs).

  42. Click Next. The DCS Security Token Service User Account Configuration page appears.

  43. Dd632811.5c22357e-572c-4be9-9925-cb0f5a804ee4(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  44. DCS Security Token Service User Account Configuration page

  45. In the Windows User Name and Password boxes, type the user name and password credentials for the DCS Security Token Service, or click the user selection button (Dd632811.a5d2ac52-2bc2-438e-a1bc-1f0ee7f411ec(en-us,TechNet.10).png ) to select the user name from a list.

  46. Note

    Note: The Windows User Name box lets you enter 20 characters, maximum. This limitation is to ensure compatibility with earlier versions of the Windows operating system.

  47. Click Next. The DCS Security Token Web Service Configuration page appears.

  48. Dd632811.ef9c1241-4da9-454d-a5fa-8fe444c4bfcd(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  49. DCS Security Token Web Service Configuration page

  50. Click Next. The Business Log Database page appears.

  51. Dd632811.01655d7f-7175-48b1-970a-0fa35ad031e8(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  52. Business Log Database page

  53. Type the location of the business log database server, or click the Browse button to select the server location from a list. If you use the Browse function, click OK to return to the Business Log Database page.

  54. Note

    Note: The Browse function works only if the computer from which the database was installed uses SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs).

  55. Click Next. The DCS Management Service User Account Configuration page appears.

  56. Dd632811.6da2c1b9-f4cb-4462-8b46-e8b16735c125(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  57. DCS Management Service User Account Configuration page

  58. In the Windows User Name and Password boxes, type the user name and password credentials for the DCS Management Service, or click the user selection button (Dd632811.6780a748-d6fd-42ff-b73c-89751eb36724(en-us,TechNet.10).png ) to select the user name from a list. If you use the Browse function, click OK to return to the DCS Management User Account Configuration page.

  59. Note

    Note: The Windows User Name box lets you enter 20 characters, maximum. This limitation is to ensure compatibility with earlier versions of the Windows operating system.

  60. Click Next. The DCS Management Web Service Configuration page appears.

  61. Dd632811.9e19888e-ab19-40c5-a6f7-122cb2c0869e(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  62. DCS Management Web Service Configuration page

  63. Click Next. The Management Services Configuration page appears.

  64. Dd632811.121fc641-9395-4b8a-9a55-25eb349fcfcc(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  65. Management Web Service Configuration page

  66. The page shows the endpoint information that the Management Web Service will use to connect to the Discovery Service. If the URL is incorrect, type the correct URL.

  67. Note

     If you install the Discovery Service on a different server than the Management Web Service, you must change the base URL. Replace the local host ID with the name of the server where the Discovery Service is installed.

  68. Click Next. The Management Database page appears.Dd632811.ec81aead-77a1-4a06-9bdb-2a5343a36418(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  69. Management Database page

  70. Type the location of the database server that will host the application management database (this should be a SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 server), or click the Browse button to select the server location from a list. If you use the Browse function, click OK to return to the Management Database page.

  71. Note

    Note: The Browse function works only if the computer from which the database was installed uses SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs).

  72. Click Next. The DCS Application Management Service User Account Configuration page appears.

  73. Dd632811.7071f5c4-6a77-4c27-b092-b73ee47c615d(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  74. DCS Application Management Service User Account Configuration page

  75. In the Windows User Name and Password boxes, type the user name and password credentials for the DCS Application Management Service, or click the user selection button (Dd632811.26d19f89-300f-4107-8f12-7f37f3fe593f(en-us,TechNet.10).png) to select the user name from a list. If you use the Browse function, click OK to return to the DCS Application Management User Account Configuration page.

  76. Note

    Note: The Windows User Name box lets you enter 20 characters, maximum. This limitation is to ensure compatibility with earlier versions of the Windows operating system.

  77. Click Next. The DCS Application Management Web Service Configuration page appears.

  78. Dd632811.3c9d4e98-5cd9-478b-9571-7d0ad16a7e50(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  79. DCS Application Management Service Configuration page

  80. Click Next. The Application Management Services Configuration page appears.

  81. Dd632811.859af024-88cc-4001-b351-e00414138124(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  82. Application Management Services Configuration page

  83. The page shows the endpoint that the Application Management Service will use to connect to the Discovery Service. If the URL is incorrect, type the correct URL.

  84. Note

    Note: If you install the Discovery Service on a different server than the Application Management Service, you must change the base URL. Replace the local host ID with the name of the server where the Discovery Service is installed.

  85. Click Next. The Application Management Database page appears.

  86. Dd632811.0fa71924-4603-4702-bcaa-9d2d2928485b(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  87. Application Management Database page

  88. Type the location of the application management database server, or click the Browse button to select the server location from a list. If you use the Browse function, click OK to return to the Application Management Database page.

  89. Note

    The Browse function works only if the computer from which the database was installed uses SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs).

  90. Click Next. The Management Console Services Configuration page appears.

  91. Dd632811.0d39655f-3b98-4eec-958e-c29420ed1dce(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  92. Management Console Services Configuration page

  93. The page shows the endpoint that the Management Console Service will use to connect to the Discovery Service. If the URL is incorrect, type the correct URL.

  94. Note

    Note: If you install the Discovery Service on a different server than the Management Console Service, you must change the base URL. Replace the local host ID with the name of the server where the Discovery Service is installed.

  95. Click Next. The Ready to Install page appears.

  96. Dd632811.a8314bca-f6ef-4839-bcb5-e8e84561d8fa(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  97. Ready to Install page

  98. Click the Install button to start the installation. The Installation Progress page appears. The progress bar indicates the installation progress.

  99. Dd632811.c0fc06a4-5997-4ce2-b1b7-0df62a780a9a(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  100. Installation Progress page

  101. When the installation is complete, the confirmation message appears. Click Finish to complete the installation process and close the Setup program.

  102. Dd632811.e3a8c359-adfe-460c-b60b-75e15a4279fd(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  103. Installation completion page