IWMSPublishingPoint Object (Visual Basic .NET)

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IWMSPublishingPoint Object (Visual Basic .NET)

The IWMSPublishingPoint object supports the basic properties that describe both on-demand and broadcast publishing points. Additional properties and methods supported by on-demand and broadcast publishing points are available through the IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint and IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint interfaces. These interfaces can be accessed by calling QueryInterface on the IWMSPublishingPoint interface.

The IWMSPublishingPoint object exposes the following properties and methods.

Property Description
AllowClientsToConnect Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the publishing point can receive client connections.
AllowPlayerSideDiskCaching Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the publishing point allows clients to cache content locally.
Authenticators Retrieves an IWMSPlugins object containing a collection of authentication plug-ins.
CacheProxyExpiration Specifies and retrieves the expiration value for cached content.
CurrentCounters Retrieves an IWMSPublishingPointCurrentCounters object that contains counters maintained by the publishing point.
DistributionUserName Retrieves the user name provided by the client in response to an authentication challenge sent during server-to-server distribution.
EnableFEC Specifies and retrieves a value indicating whether Forward Error Correction is enabled.
EnableWrapperPath Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether a wrapper playlist is enabled for the publishing point.
EventHandlers Retrieves an IWMSPlugins object containing a collection of event authorization and notification plug-ins.
FileDescriptions Retrieves an IWMSFileDescriptions collection containing information about files, directories, and playlists in a specified publishing point path.
IsDistributionPasswordSet Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the password used to authenticate server-to-server distribution is set.
ID Retrieves a unique CLSID for the publishing point.
Limits Retrieves an IWMSPublishingPointLimits object containing information about limits maintained by the publishing point.
Name Specifies and retrieves the name of the publishing point.
MonikerName Retrieves the moniker name of a publishing point.
OutgoingDistributionConnections Retrieves an IWMSOutgoingDistributionConnections collection containing information about distribution connections.
Path Specifies and retrieves the path to the publishing point content.
PeakCounters Retrieves an IWMSPublishingPointPeakCounters object that contains information about peak counters maintained by the publishing point.
Players Retrieves an IWMSPlayers object containing information about connected players.
Properties Retrieves an IWMSNamedValues object containing a collection of name/value pairs for the publishing point.
Status Retrieves the publishing point status.
StreamFilters Reserved for future use.
TotalCounters Retrieves an IWMSPublishingPointTotalCounters object that contains information about the total counters maintained by the publishing point.
Type Retrieves an enumeration value that indicates the publishing point type.
WrapperPath Specifies and retrieves the path to a wrapper playlist file.
Method Description
SetDistributionUserNamePassword Specifies the password and user name to use in response to an authentication challenge sent during server-to-server distribution.

Example Code

The following example illustrates how to retrieve an IWMSPublishingPoint object.

Imports Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Private Sub RetrieveObj()

    ' Declare variables.
    Dim Server As WMSServer
    Dim PubPoints As IWMSPublishingPoints
    Dim PubPoint As IWMSPublishingPoint
    Dim i As Integer

    ' Create the WMSServer object.
    Server = New WMSServer()

    ' Retrieve the IWMSPublishingPoints object.
    PubPoints = Server.PublishingPoints

    ' Retrieve information about each publishing point.
    For i = 0 To PubPoints.Count - 1
        PubPoint = PubPoints.Item(i)
    Next i

Catch excCom As COMException
    ' TODO: Handle COM exceptions.
Catch exc As Exception
    ' TODO: Handle errors.
    ' TODO: Clean-up code goes here.
End Try

End Sub

See Also

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