UiaRaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent Function

Called by providers to notify the Microsoft UI Automation core that an element property has changed.


HRESULT UiaRaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent(      
    IRawElementProviderSimple *pProvider,
    VARIANT oldValue,
    VARIANT newValue


  • pProvider
    [in] The address of an IRawElementProviderSimple interface of the provider node where the property change event occurred.
  • id
    [in] The identifier for the property that changed. For a list of property IDs, see Property Identifiers.
  • oldValue
    [in] A VARIANT that contains the old value of the property.
  • newValue
    [in] A VARIANT that contains the new value of the property.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful or an error value otherwise.

Function Information

Stock Implementation uiautomationcore.dll
Custom Implementation No
Header uiautomationcoreapi.h
Import library uiautomationcore.lib
Minimum operating systems Windows XP