IConditionFactory::MakeNot Method

Creates a condition node that is a logical negation (NOT) of another condition (a subnode of this node).


HRESULT MakeNot(      
    ICondition *pcSub,
    BOOL fSimplify,
    ICondition **ppcResult


  • pcSub
    [in]  Pointer to the ICondition subnode to be negated.
  • fSimplify
    [in] TRUE to logically simplify the result if possible; FALSE otherwise. In a query builder scenario, fSimplify should typically be set to VARIANT_FALSE.
  • ppcResult
    [out, retval]  Receives a pointer to the new ICondition node.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


Logically simplifying a condition node usually results in a smaller, more easily traversed and processed condition tree. For example, if pcSub is itself a negation condition with a subcondition C, then the double negation is logically resolved, and ppcResult is set to C. Without simplification, the resulting tree would look like NOT — NOT — C.

Applications that need to execute queries based on the condition tree would typically benefit from setting this parameter to TRUE.

See Also

IConditionFactory, CONDITION_TYPE, CONDITION_OPERATION, IConditionFactory2, ICondition, ICondition2