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RazorTemplateEngine.Host Property

This type/member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Gets or sets the RazorEngineHost which defines the environment in which the generated template code will live.

Namespace:  System.Web.Razor
Assembly:  System.Web.Razor (in System.Web.Razor.dll)


Public Property Host As RazorEngineHost 
    Private Set
Dim instance As RazorTemplateEngine 
Dim value As RazorEngineHost 

value = instance.Host
public RazorEngineHost Host { get; private set; }
property RazorEngineHost^ Host {
    RazorEngineHost^ get ();
    private: void set (RazorEngineHost^ value);
member Host : RazorEngineHost with get, private set
function get Host () : RazorEngineHost 
private function set Host (value : RazorEngineHost)

Property Value

Type: System.Web.Razor.RazorEngineHost
The RazorEngineHost which defines the environment in which the generated template code will live.

See Also


RazorTemplateEngine Class

System.Web.Razor Namespace