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WebSiteOperationsExtensions.RestartAsync Method (IWebSiteOperations, String, String)


You can restart a web site by issuing an HTTP POST request. (see for more information)

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.dll)


public static Task<OperationResponse> RestartAsync(
    this IWebSiteOperations operations,
    string webSpaceName,
    string webSiteName
static Task<OperationResponse^>^ RestartAsync(
    IWebSiteOperations^ operations,
    String^ webSpaceName,
    String^ webSiteName
static member RestartAsync : 
        operations:IWebSiteOperations *
        webSpaceName:string *
        webSiteName:string -> Task<OperationResponse>
Public Shared Function RestartAsync (
    operations As IWebSiteOperations,
    webSpaceName As String,
    webSiteName As String
) As Task(Of OperationResponse)


  • webSpaceName
    Type: System.String

    Required. The name of the web space.

  • webSiteName
    Type: System.String

    Required. The name of the web site.

Return Value

Type: System.Threading.Tasks.Task<OperationResponse>

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

See Also

WebSiteOperationsExtensions Class
Microsoft.WindowsAzure Namespace

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