DelegationMember Complex Type Complex Type

DelegationMember Complex Type

Defines the paths to two members used to set up a delegation relationship. An object member in a proxy role must be marked "proxy=true" to participate as a proxy in a delegation relationship.

<xs:complexType name="DelegationMember"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="RelationshipMember" > <xs:attribute name="ProxyMember" type="Path" use="required" />

  • ProxyMember
    Identifies the path to the outer endpoint that delegates its behavior to the inner endpoint in a delegation relationship.

<xs:attribute name="DelegateMember" type="Path" use="required" />

  • DelegateMember
    Identifies the path to the inner endpoint that provides the required behavior in a delegation relationship.

</xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>

  • DelegationMember
    Defines the paths to two members used to set up a delegation relationship.


Name Type Description
DelegateMember Path

Identifies the path to the inner endpoint that provides the required behavior in a delegation relationship.

ProxyMember Path

Identifies the path to the outer endpoint that delegates its behavior to the inner endpoint in a delegation relationship.


Delegation relationships can either be constructed following containment relationships or following hosting relationships. Assuming a containment relationship between A and B, where B is a member of A, then a delegation relationship can exist where the proxy is a member of A and the delegate is a member of B. Assuming a hosting relationship between A and B, where A is the guest and B is the host, then a delegation relationship can exist where the proxy is a member of A and the delegate is a member of B.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Complex Types

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Build date: 10/2/2007